20th December 22, 1969 24th
 I suggested that we could exchange stories of how Christmas is celebrated around the world for a cross culture class. Emosi covered Fiji - get drunk and greet everyone - if someone says they like something of yours, you give it to him. Then they throw powder and water on each other for weeks. Jas said the Indians pretty much join in with the Fijians. Bob Merce told how in Micronesia all the islands send a group to one island to meet in a church and sing carols with native songs and dances. During this you show your appreciation by throwing candy to the children and a prize is given to the best island. Same songs and it goes on and on for hours. There were several other stories but the best was from Jean: "I'm suppose to tell you how they celebrate Christmas in Turkey. They don't" and she sat down - great affect.
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