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1968 Darrell and I went to Les' for a Christmas party. Judy gave us a Playboy and PB calendar. Laurie was also over. After a meal we watched the Vikings lose their final game 14 - 24 to Colts for an 8 - 7 season. Then we played hearts.
1969 Hawaii:  Details in Peace Corps Journal.
1970 Worked on library and went to White's for lunch. Murray, Peter and Kacis were there and we drank a couple toasts. Loaded Ian's car and they were off back to New Zealand. But Murray left his wallet and airline tickets at QVS! So I ran over to Mac's and we called Tong Lee and he flagged them down. Pauline and I brought the stuff to them there.
1971 Don and Dolly's with Gail and Angi for dinner - Leroy's family was there too.
1972 Don Unger (my PCV replacement next year) and Bob G came for a visit. Showed them around the school, we joined the farm workers' year-end party then stopped at Kaci's to introduce him. Back to the dining hall with Don where he was given a traditional yaqona welcome. Switched to beer and soon Seru and Jo W were dancing on the tables. Had a barbecue at home, then played bridge. Bob G and I wiped the opposition. Whites came over and we talked 'til midnight.
1974 Orua Beach with Bob Lark, his five kids and Vilisoni. It rained the whole way there. Walked about a mile along the beach and picked mussels (illegally). Got caught in the rain on the way back. Ate a snack out the back of the station wagon. Back to the water for swimming and soccer. David enjoyed eating the sand. Back home we had a barbecue. Saw Vilisoni off on the bus loaded down with 15 books.
1976 Breeze's over for Christmas gifts exchange.
1977 Th - Gail brought me to Mike's where I nailed leather onto chairs. Gail called to tell me that my Mother had called to say that Bob has died (brain anurism). So after tears and a hug from Kathy I went back to work. Heasley called to say he is coming on 27th. Aldersons visited. Doug gave me an ACC certificate.
1978 Brought Mom to airport for her 7:30PM flight back to Minnesota - photo.
1983 Th - Record low of -20°F High = -12°F. Christmas "goodies" day at work. Car stalled in lot and took me three tries to get going.
1984 Sa - Tom over and he gave us candy and grapefruit. After a meal (easy to drink Rheinhessen Hock) we played Dukes of Hazzard card game with kids and then Music Trivia cards.
1987 John McDougall called the mill and Ian and I spoke to him. Mom called - she is back home now getting around on a walker and wheelchair.
1988 Christmas lunch at Governor's Table (across from the Jolly). We were the only ones there and the service was slow. I picked a couple chardonnays - average Corbans for $23.89 each. Peter picked up the tab for the food.
1991 Aldies stopped in with plums. Doug's mother is in hospital with bowel cancer.
1993 Let Dad drive the van to the chalets. He almost broke the turn signal lever, thinking it was the gear change. Went to the Confidence course where we climbed, hung and swang. Left camp at 1AM and went to Thames where we explored the museum. Dad knew quite a few of the implements and how to use them. Went through a photo album with Dad and got even more stories about WWII and Moline.
1996 Su - Left Awhitu Ed Camp and checked out barbecue area at the public park, coffee at Whites and home. Called Mom and Bob and also spoke to Gene and Angi who had just arrived from Houston. Spoke to Ne up from Arizona.
2003 Christmas emails around the world to Florence (FR), Ong (THAI), Corinne (NZ) Schwitters (USA), Senad (GER) and Doug W (OZ).
2007 Dorrigo National Park. Quick look from the Sky Walk as it was extremely windy. We walked to the Glade and from there did the Stainbird Stroll and Walk With the Birds boardwalk up in the tree tops. Long hike to Crystal Shower Falls. We had lunch at A Touch of Country - I had a delicious and large chicken sweet chili wrap washed down by a Saxby cream soda. We checked out the Valla Beach retirement village - but more like a campground. Had a really nice fish 'n chips for supper (not the oil-soaked batter as in NZ).
2009 T - Gail and I went to Grapevine in Pukekohe for Ian and Susi's 40th. Kaitani kids, Peter and Nancy Hook also were there. Steve made an emotional speech. I gave a light-hearted one before asking questions about the couple. After a delicious meal and dessert we had anniversary cake and Church Road '07 Merlot CabSav. Watched Dawson's Creek.

More photos
2010 W - David and Trish came around 6PM to stay. Looked at photos of Trish's farewell from workmates and of her new property outside of Timaru. And as per usual she was one funny story after another. Good one about "choir practice" being chiropracter.
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