7th November 8, 1969 9th
Dewali - The Hindu Festival of Lights  Today being Saturday [Sunichar] everyone was at the beaches. I stayed behind to help. The school porch was decorated with crepe paper and flowers. I drew a couple of enlargements of Dewali cards on blackboards and one very large one that we hung out on the porch. Jas and I collected small twigs and and set up a small fire decorated with colored chalk and flowers. Narayan led us in the ceremony. A lot of symbolism.  Scooping with with a leaf then placing it on your lips for purification of your speech, etc... We also threw rice onto the fire at certain signals. Actually was a very short ceremony. [ed - The big celebration happens tomorrow].

Dennis threw a birthday party and the Ito's came over for it. There was lots to eat and drink. They taught us to play Sakura [ed - Japanese card game aka Hanfuda].

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