Ian and Susi were the first to arrive and we got in a rubber of bridge. Brad and Jackie came next and got up a game of “Stirling Moss Rally” with David.
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Russell also came by and we all played “TriBond”. Later Gail, Russell and I played “Wheel of Fortune”, while the others played Formula 1.
Five of us did the midnight jump, though probably a couple minutes late thanks to Hauraki playing ads. Ian pre-jump-ulated followed by Gail and the rest of us rest of us. Since it was a cold night (luckily the rain held off) we had the bubbly indoors this year.
Russell, who has a new horse, left saying he had to get up at 6AM to play golf. The rest of us played the “Newlywed Game” and found out interesting things about each other.
Finished up at 2:45AM after a game of Trivial Pursuit. |
Celebrations began at 2PM on the 24th and continued until 10PM on the 27th. Trish and Karen F kicked it off visiting with their dogs, Ben and Scruffy. An enjoyable afternoon as Trish always has so many funny stories to tell.
Ne and Bonnie came home from house sitting in Pukekohe for a ham supper and gift opening.
Neat LED flashlight and a wine from David. A pack of Ombywide's Kacang Snap (coated peanuts) and "stewed" sunflower seeds from Ne. Gave Ne a wireless keyboard and mouse. Gave David plastic storage boxes for his models.
Gail gave me a gigantic Goofy poster and I gave her a memory pillow (she may be sleeping better, but I don't it is improving her memory). Bonnie opened her gift and ate it one gulp.
Bob and Elaine came for lunch and spent a peaceful Christmas Day afternoon with us. Been a rough year for Bob with his body falling apart, but his spirit and mind is as strong as ever.
We had a special visitor on Boxing Day. A former pupil of mine, Teresa, stopped in on her way to Hamilton having been with her family for a couple days. She kept us entertained with stories of her life since we last saw her. The photo shows the “World’s Worst Fruit Cake” that she managed to char and carries around in her purse in case she is attacked by a mugger, eh?.
Ours was a "white" Christmas as every single member of the White clan were on hand for the traditional line-up photo (had trouble getting them to stand still).
Doug, Mel and Josh were over from Melbourne seeking clean air. Matthew came all the way from Canberra to txt and play cricket in our living room with the mini-Whites and David. I must ask Jackie if any of this is “newsworthy”. Tracy is off to Fiji for the first time since they fled to New Zealand in 1987.
And, finally on the 27th, we all invaded Pukekohe to wish Sally a “Happy”. After the dessert we got up a couple games of BUZZ. That’s Ian wearing the first pair of jeans that he has ever owned. And Josh is trying to “run” away with Sally’s gumboots. Didn’t get far, eh? |