2009 - No. 4         www.malecek.com        
KICK Up Your Heels!      

   Gail has removed the moon boot and she has been given the go ahead to walk, work and drive the car. So that right foot has a shoe on it for the first time in 11 months. She begins physiotherapy to strengthen the unused muscles and we are hoping the next medical checkup will give her the all clear..

The KNEES Have It

I hereby declare 2009 the year of the knee.
It is amazing how many people we know who have had a knee operation (some have had two) this year. Ranging from a scoping to full knee replacements. I had some cartilage removed from a knee in 1993 and I still get pains at that spot.
So my commiserations to all you limpers:
Pru, John W, Bob and Bonnie, Signe, Louise, Jacqui B, Rene, Dee and Marge

 At the pump:



KINCY - Very rare to know someone with that name and I actually knew two. Kincy A. was one of my best friends growing up in Richfield and his father, Kincy G, was a math teacher who always wore a bow tie.
KROHNS - My mother-in-law’s siblings who all came from Lafayette, Minnesota. Even though we only lived in Minnesota for a few years I got to know most of them well when the clan gathered at Patty’s for special occasions.
KELLEY - Tom was my best friend in high school. We had an intense rivalry about who was the faster sprinter - I think we tied most races. He would write his notes as small as possible with a pencil stub and tried to get a term’s worth onto one piece of paper. Yep, he was cheap and was the only boy out of 440 to NOT buy a class ring. He only reads the first and last line of paragraphs. He went on to be an engineer and later to work for the IRS
KILLEBREW - Harmon was one of my first Twins heroes. “Killer” could mash a baseball back when steroids didn't exist. Some of the team, until they bought a home, stayed at the Holiday Inn where my mother worked and she got to know them. She had Harmon autograph a sketch I had done of him. Wiki Page
KAROITAHI - Nearest surf beach to us. Not the scenic golden sands one expects but a black iron-laden sand. Very fine sand that would stick to your body. My doctor could tell if I had been surfing because sand would settle way back inside my ears. For many summers in the 80’s and 90’s we were in the water on most weekends. When we have visitors I like to bring them to there and demonstrate its iron content with a magnet.
Kosak     KISS     Kjell     KFC     Kinks     Kill Bill     Kathy     Klyberg     JFK     Kingsmen     KDWB

 Ne flew over to Melbourne to meet up with an Aussie fellow, Steve, who she met online. A big step for both and a chance for an adventure for Ne. During her stay she met his sisters and their partners. But lack of funds, for both parties, and lousy weather limited venturing further a field.

One Sunday when Ne was a wee thing we were in the car and listening to the chants of a High Mass broadcast. She asked: “Do you guys like that music”?
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