2009 - No. 5         www.malecek.com        

   My mother was chugging along one day and the next she was in ICU unable to breathe. It was her decision to move to a hospice and there she spent 5 days resting until the end came in October.

Born and raised in Austria, she moved to Minnesota in 1947.
It seemed to happen so fast. We were so used to her ending up in a hospital, but she always bounced right back. I guess, like a cat, she had used up her nine lives.

Chris and Angi reckon she is in heaven playing on a slot machine. I think she is kicking back somewhere with a martini in her hand.

More at: Web pages

 At the pump:



LEUKAEMIA - My very good friend, Newsy, has CLL and is being given concentrated green tea pills in a trial study at the Mayo. British scientists think that they have found the cause of my CFS/ME illness. They lay the blame on XMRV which is the Murine Leukemia (American spelling) Virus-Related virus. This virus attacks the immune system (my T-cells are always in defend mode hence the flu-like symptoms and the associated tiredness and aches).
LUCK - Or lack of it. Depends on how you look at it. New Zealand has had a lottery, LOTTO, going for 21 years. We are faithful donators—the profits go to charities and community groups. Out the 1000 or so draws we have won a grand total of $557 (Update 2014: 23 wins for $965). We have friends who have won more than that on a single win. We could have stuck the $2/wk into the bank and have a big bundle by now, but then we wouldn't have anything to complain about at 8:05PM on a Saturday night. Why complain? Because when we win, I get to crack open a bottle of wine in celebration.
LAPS - I need to brag (after all, it is my newsletter, eh?). I was never a swimmer, mainly from fear of drowning. I never wanted to buy a place with a pool, but we did. Guess what, I can almost swim now. Each year I do more and more laps. Last year I was able to break Gail’s mark and this year I aim to double it.
LISTS - Did you ever see “Rain Man”? Well, to an extent that is me. But I’m much better now. When I was a young boy I would challenge myself by making lists; e.g. cowboy shows, people I have talked to, songs of 1959, etc… And when I discovered index cards I fell in love with them. I could keep track of everything on those suckers. So it was a natural for me to move onto spreadsheets and databases when the computer came around. I was a trivia expert years before the word was common. Nowadays, because of the Internet I no longer need to keep track of public things myself. But listing every morning cereal that I have eaten just can’t be found, unless you go to my database pages: My stuff
Lynna     Laugh-In     "Last Train to Clarksville"     Letterman     Laure     Gary Lewis     Loco-Motion     Lesser     "Last Time"     Leszek    

 I played 3 years and loved every minute of it. I was never on a winning team, but I remember the joy of playing. Luckily, we were back in Minnesota at the right ages for David and Ne to also play and I was a coach for Te’s team. He was lucky to have been on a championship team. And little Ne made the All-Star team as a catcher!!!

Malley Muses

Malley Goes Postal

Why is the specialized knife called a “letter opener” when in fact it opens envelops? 99% of the envelops I open do not contain a letter!!
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