2010 - No. 3         www.malecek.com        
AN or VS Part III
Pudd Pudd
was put down in October. She was a stray kitten who began showing up about nine years ago at night and Ne slowly became her friend.
It was years before she would dare to enter the house. But she eventually became a feature on the lower level, sleeping on her chair at the dining room table or in the lounge.
While Gail was in the States I became the ’feeder of the cat’ and we finally became friends. She would follow me, like a dog, everywhere around the paddocks as I did chores.

 At the pump:


   Back in 2000 I explained in MG 4 that Gail had a Vestibular Schwannoma (aka Acoustic Neuroma). In the first MalleyGram of 2003 I explained how It had been treated with Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) . Each year since she has had an MRI done and they always showed that the tumor had stopped growing. That is until this year. Last December the right side of Gail’s face began to tingle and became numb. Doctors thought something was growing inside of the dead tumor.

And for those of you not up with the play — in ordinary English she had a tumor growing on the nerve that goes to the ear. So she has lost hearing on that side. Best guess was that a cyst was growing inside the tumor mass causing it to expand and press onto the brain stem which is why it had to be removed.

On September 26th Gail checked into Ascot Hospital and spent two hours listening to the surgeon, the anaesthetist and a nurse explain what would happen and filling out forms. On the 27th Gail went through a 6 hour operation that removed the sucker. Within two hours she was awake, alert and laughing.

On the 28th all of the tubes were detached so there was nothing to stop her from walking around the corridors. She was not dizzy, ill or felt any pain. But then maybe the drugs hadn’t worn off. Still everyone said that on the first they would get her out of bed twice to sit on a chair and then back into bed. Yeah, right. Some sort of freak super-woman I am married to. She was ready to go home. The right side of her face was sagging a bit more than pre-op, but it didn’t impair her speech. Her brain is probably okay, but I did skunk her in our first game of cribbage.

Okay, by the 29th all the nurses and the doctor were bloody amazed. She had recovered to a point that usually takes weeks. They didn’t believe her the previous day when she told them she could actually walk without a nurse, but now they did. When I left I told them to keep a close eye on her, ‘cause she will probably try to escape.

And three days after the operation she was home. Aside from the stitches you’d never know that she had a major operation, let alone brain surgery. People are muttering "miracle"...

Nothing goes right
If your underwear’s tight
Thursday: Game Night

Kjell Muses

I should be perturbed if one morning I found an “End of Roll” sticker relating to my life along the lines of those found on Gladwrap.
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