My birthday was a low level affair with no gifts. Well, my daughter gave me a Lottery ticket and I won $30, so I guess that counts. It has been normal for us to buy our own gifts. And I bought a board game which we played for the first time on the day. I have become addicted to Turkish kabobs, so that is what we had to eat and I opened a bottle of Chianti which is my traditional birthday wine.
I was blessed with quite a few phone calls, many emails and a number of Facebook greetings from friends and family.
At the pump:
We have had some spring visitors. Russell, his son, James over from Australia, and Ann Houghton came out one Friday. Russell has a horse racing here in Tauranga. We joined them for a meal at the RSA and followed that up with a game a of Trivial Pursuit. Hadn’t seen Ann for three years. She is in great shape considering her daily battle with cancer.
Irene dropped in one morning with her Step-Grandaughter, AJ. She gave me a Goofy that Paul (R.I.P.) had bought on his recent trip to the Czech Republic.
David came up for a weekend that saw us playing board games including Mythotopia. A game that I had play-tested with the designer, Martin Wallace. He joined our weekly Scrabble game with Anna. We spent a lovely two hours strolling around the shore of the river at McLaren Falls Park. Beautiful setting with much birdlife all around. It was the first walk that I had done since my April operation.
The inaugural year for Tauranga Formula Racing is done and dusted. I was the Fomula 1 champion holding off Clayton who won most of the final races. Kim was by far the most consistent racer in Formula D winning 11 of the 16 races. I came second so it was a very good season for me.