2016 - No. 1         www.malecek.com                2016 No 1

The kauri is the second largest tree after the Sequoia. New Zealand’s North Island northern areas were covered with them. Intense harvesting devastated the forests so that by 1920 few were left in the wild. A sanctuary was set aside by the governemnt and the two largest specimens are found there.
We planted 4 at our Waiuku place. Our friend, Mike Sanders, made furniture out of kauri and we own several of his pieces.
To see mature (over 1000 years old) ones requires trips to the countryside and we try to take our overseas visitors to see at least one.

Te Mahuta 1978     Tom Thumb 1994

Tane Mahuta           Twin Kauri 1993

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 At the pump:



It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you K 2.0
The orignal "K" has been updated read it

KAUAERANAGA VALLEY - Near Thames on the Coromandel Penisula. This place is about a two hour drive from our homes. Over 15 years it was a our favorite area to go camping with the kids and friends. We stayed at four different campgrounds with in the valley and a couple times we set up in more remote areas without proper campsites. And we hiked 8 different trails, a few several times.
The Sanders first brought us there in 1979 and we continued going with them for a few years. When the Whites arrived in 1987 we began camping and hiking with them. Also brought along my mother, Tom and Kathy, the kids friends and a few others. No matter who was along we had a tradition of stopping at the shop nearest to it and had ice cream cones. Sort of a last taste of civilization before we roughed it. (photos and words...)

KETETAHI HOT SPRINGS - Apr 1986: High on Mount Tongariro. First 90 minutes through totara trees with creek, waterfalls and rapids. Going got rough; luckily there were two rest spots. By the time we got to top of tree line we were all sweating and changed to light weight clothing. But higher up the tussock area was swept by icy winds. Beautifully clear day but we were getting into cloud mists so we put on our longs, jackets, caps and gloves (always prepared, eh?). Another 90 minutes through the blistery wind on an easy grade. When we got to the final leg with its steep steps almost couldn't move our legs. Ne put on her togs and got into the hot mud pools and while Gail soaked her feet, David and I went up further to explore the fumaroles, geyers etc... Going down took 2 hours. Gail tripped twice, second time scraping her knee. We were all worn out by the time we found the car. (photos and words...)

KNOTTS BERRY FARM (L.A.) - March 1980: Went on the Timber Mountain log flume and it was a big splash. Then the Calico Mine ride, and haunted shack (visual tricks distorting gravity made me dizzy) and we all had a go at the shooting gallery. Beary Tales was a good ride for the kids. They liked bumper cars (Wheeler Dealer) best and the Tijuana Taxi ride almost as much. At the farm the goats tried to eat us. Then the kids went on a carousel that was pulled by a donkey. David went onto the log flume a few more times before we left.
Kohl Rabi - Korovou - Kerikeri - Ernie Kovacs - Kolaches - Klingons - Kelloggs - Kollers


Kinda Kinky

Since I was 10 and saw picture of a platypus I had wanted to go to Australia. Well, I have been there 5 times and hope to make at least one more visit. The family spent a month going from Melbourne to Adelaide, Canberra, Sydney, Katoomba, and Gold Coast taking in Brisbane’s Expo 88. Gail and I did Perth in 1997, South Australia in Jan and a Dec wedding in Newcastle (with David) in 2007. In 2010 Gail I made it to the Great Barrier Reef and Kuranda. (photos and words...)
   I just bought a non-kink garden hose, so what does it do the first time we unroll it and try to use it? No prize for getting the correct answer.
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