2016 - No. 2         www.malecek.com                2016 No 2

I have been in 33 libraries over the past 65 years.

First - Franklin St, Mpls

Largest - Minneapolis Main

Best Interior - New Ulm, MN

Smallest - Ocean Shores

Worst Name - Bookinopolis

Best Exterior - Papamoa, NZ

Friends and relatives who have been: LIBRARIANS

Me - Queen Victoria School

Ian - Queen Victoria School

Gail - Sandspit Road School

Dolly Fisher - Waseca, MN

Helen T - Worthington, MN

Irene Bell - Rosehill College

Kathy/Fay - Rosehill College

see complete list

 At the pump:



It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you L 2.0
The orignal "L" has been updated read it

            I could fill a page on each of these lakes (maybe one day I will). For now:
  • The first one that I can remember is Powderhorn (named after its shape) in south Minneapolis. We went there several years on 4th of July to watch the fireworks in a beautiful setting. Also back in those early days I remember going to “Davis” lake (unofficially named after the farmer who owned the land) with my uncle and aunts to fish. They would catch bullheads and I pulled in a few crabs that enthralled me by the way they walked.

  • When we moved to Richfield in 1955 Lake Nokomis became a regular summer feature mostly for swimming (mom would bring us and neighbor kids), but we did fish a few times. Steve and I would bike around it checking out the babes. Many years later I would bring my kids there to watch the milk carton boat races. Winters would find me ice skating on Mud Lake in Richfield.

  • In 1958 the family went north to stay in a cabin and fish on Little Man Trap. In 1982 I brought my family to the same resort and maybe, even, the same cabin. We weren't as lucky fishing wise.

  • In the late 60’s Steve, Kincy and I would go even more north and fish North Star Lake. Gail and I joined Steve and Becky for a return there in 1975. Spring Lake in Minnesota holds bad memories for me as it was where I failed waterskiing off and said: “Never again!”.

  • Largest: Lake Superior. Hiked along its North Shore in 1997 with the Bob and Lynna Shauer.

  • Most Scenic: Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona. Surrounded by gigantic rounded rocks that I loved climbing in 1991 and 2002.
    Another beautiful setting is Lake Whakatipu set in NZ’s South Island Alps. Gail and I did a cruise on a steamer. Back in Minnesota, David and I cruised around Sugar Lake with the Fishers in 1990.

  • Gail and I strolled around famous Walden Pond in 1997. Later that year we hiked around Eagle Lake in California. These days finds us walking along the shore of nearby McLaren Lake. I went ice fishing on Mille Lacs in 1968, didn’t catch a fish, froze my feet off and said: “Never again!”

    List of all Lakes
Louie Louie  -  I Love Lucy  -  Little Latin Lupety Lou  -  Love Actually  -  Language of Love

   LIBRARY and LEARNING LOST? Malley Muses

New Landlord

Cyclone Winston went through parts of Fiji a month ago and the initial photos of my school, QVS, showed 26 staff quarters damaged, the library roof gone, 8 classrooms damaged and other buildings destroyed. Latest news is there is still no electricity in the NE of Viti Levu, which includes the school. Just heard today that it will cost $4 million and take three years to rebuild the school - if it will ever be done is now up for speculation. Also obliterated was the Rakiraki Hotel where Gail and I had our honeymoon in 1972.    Australian company,
has sold its NZ villages, including OSV, to an American company. So everyone here wonders (worries?) what the change might bring.
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