2017 - No. 3         www.malecek.com                2017 No 3

I have been playing Euro Board Games for three years with a group of “gamers”. Played with around 30 different people but there is a hardcore group that I see quite often. They have adopted me as there token OLD guy who is slow to learn new games.

KIM — A Kiwi who spent youth growing up in India. Multi-talented. Award winning painter who loves to spend time in SE Asia for long periods each year. He is an architect who organizes Jump Jam teams for a local primary school. Over recent years they have been NZ champs at several age levels.

SEAN – A Brit who is the spark plug of the group and makes continuous commentary during the games. Win or lose, he loves playing.

DAVE— Another Kiwi. He had an online board game site that I bought from. Once we moved here I eventually began going to his game nights hosted in his house. A very cheerful positive fellow.

MAX — Amazingly artistic fellow from Canada. He lives a relaxed lifestyle and is barefoot year round.

 At the pump:



It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you O 2.0
The orignal "O" has been updated read it


  • The only way you got onto airplanes was on portable stairs on the tarmac
  • Dome stadiums didn't exist
  • OREO cookies only came in one “flavour”
  • You didn't spend money to buy water in bottles
  • All radios were plugged into the wall
  • Baseball double-header meant two games for the price of one
  • Plastic bags didn't exist and everything was put into paper sacks
  • Woman used powder puffs
  • The first Hula hoop rage hit
  • Beer and soda cans were made of steel and required a can opener
  • You started your tractor by cranking it
  • There were spittoons in bars
  • Milk was delivered to your doorstep
  • Individual fruit didn’t have a sticker attached
  • Copy machines didn't exist and you used carbon paper
  • Grocery stores put the price onto each item
  • We had an ice box to keep food cool – ice delivered once a week
  • No steam irons—we sprinkled water onto the item using a bottle
  • TV used tubes and set top aerials and were black and white (grey)
  • Car tires had inner tubes that would be patched many times
  • There was only one type of Coca-Cola and it came in glass bottles
  • There weren’t any man-made satellites in the night sky
  • Gasoline (petrol) cost 25¢ for a gallon
  • You could only see a movie at a theater or wait for it to be on television
  • Phones only came in black, were plugged into a wallsocket and had dialers
  • You put film into a camera and had to wait days or weeks to see the photos
  • I used a slide rule to do number calculations
  • Graphic novels were called comic books
  • Professional sports teams only had one uniform that didn't change for years
  • Opononi  -  Obe Wan Kenobi  -  Onwards To Venus  -  Ocean Shores Village  -  Outnumbered

       OVER AND OUT Malley Muses
    ...And the OSCAR...
    I lost a cousin, Maxine AKA Mickey, to ALS after its slow long shutting down of her body. Unfortunately, I hadn’t seen her since the late 60’s, though we did communicate for awhile after I left the States.
    Gail and I lost a friend, Grayce, whose old age caught up with her after 94 years. She was like a second mother to me and a fun person. We were able to visit her a couple times in the 70’s. I had been writing her regularly the past ten years — directly and via her son, Steve.
       I have been a fan of B-Movies. You know, the type that would be played on late night TV. While most of these are horrendous, I think it is sad that there is no award for “The Best’” in the same categories as with the major films. I’d call them BOSCARS. And the BOSCAR for the Best Supporting Bactor goes to....

    UPDATE: They do exist!! check it out
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