I lost a cousin, Maxine AKA Mickey, to ALS after its slow long shutting down of her body. Unfortunately, I hadn’t seen her since the late 60’s, though we did communicate for awhile after I left the States.
Gail and I lost a friend, Grayce, whose old age caught up with her after 94 years. She was like a second mother to me and a fun person. We were able to visit her a couple times in the 70’s. I had been writing her regularly the past ten years — directly and via her son, Steve.
I have been a fan of B-Movies. You know, the type that would be played on late night TV. While most of these are horrendous, I think it is sad that there is no award for “The Best’” in the same categories as with the major films. I’d call them BOSCARS. And the BOSCAR for the Best Supporting Bactor goes to....
UPDATE: They do exist!! check it out