2017 - No. 4         www.malecek.com                2017 No 4
Yanks out there might know it as Bocci Balls which is the same thing.

We began playing this game when Ian bought a set around 20 years ago. We would play it on lawns, in paddocks and on the beach.

With Peter Menzel from Brasil, 1997

When we moved to the Village Gail and I joined three regulars to play on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Because of the climate we could play it year round. Old age and medical problems saw the group diminish until it was just me.

With Ash and Anna

David visits four times each year and we get a game if weather permits.

 At the pump:

It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you P 2.0
The orignal "P" has been updated read it


Before Social Media existed people would send you a postcard to let you know where they had been. We have received over 200, the most coming from my peripatetic cousin Steve who has sent us 54 (below). I also have collections of Goofy, Minneapolis and New Zealand postcards.

see the postcards
Pink Panther  -  Pinot Noir  -  Purple People Eaters  -  Pumpernickel  -  Pinochle

    First time was on Independence Day, 1970, in Fiji. The band had a practice in the morning and Jo was into the port that was to be used for a toast at the celebration. It was sweet and I liked it so I had too much. When I got home I passed out in the shower. Luckily, I woke up in time to bang on the drums at the party.
    At the end-of-year staff do in 1973 it was an open bar and I tried a Southern Comfort and Coke. It was so good that I had another then another then… I was totally looped and really suffered the next day.
    The worst was at a gathering at the Breezes where I drank all the wine on hand. Next day was spent dry retching and a sip of water would have me regurgitating.
   It has always meant "Pregnant". It became "Parental Guidance" meaning that the parents should decided if their offspring could watch a movie. Cartoon.

Nowadays, it means that the younguns show the dinosaurs how to use their smart phones, iPads and tablets.
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