WHITES et al...
David and Thomas Smithers came for a short visit to start off December.
Our friend Ann has moved to Tauranga and we plan to get together at least once a month. She and Russell came for a visit to kick things off.
Auckland for board games with Bev (Pickle) and Colleen.
Clayton flew in from London with his latest, Ellie.
Then we did two Waiuku birds with one stone by seeing the Whites (played Kingdominoes) and Roché (to test his baristra skills) the same day.
At the pump:
$1.99/litre $7.68/gal |
It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you W 2.0 The original "W" has been updated (read it)
WALKS - In October I recommenced walking. Averaging a little over an hour. It is two blocks and then down the Yale access to the beautiful beach where I walk along to the next access and up. Walk along Ocean Beach Road to the Omana access and down to the beach. Final ascent at Girven access. From there I walk to Bayfair Mall where I climb the 4 level car park stairs over and over until my legs give out. From there it is about 30 minutes to home. Once a week I walk to Ne’s place which is about a 45 minute stroll. I am a slow walker. Little old ladies pass me as do large women pushing prams...SLOW. But slow means that I have found $7.70 to date.
WET AGAIN - About twice a week I swim in the village’s heated salt pool. Seven years ago I would do up to 50 laps daily at our outdoor pool. So far I have only done one lap, but it is early days, eh? Prior to swimming I use the gym to workout.