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19th | 20th | 21st |
1959 | Organized my Chamber of Commerce info packs [ed. - for Social Studies we each had to send away to a city and ask for information. I of course sent to a few and when all these brochures, post cards, maps, newspapers came flooding back the collector in me was hooked. I got out my atlas and proceded to mail off requests to every city with a population over 100,000. It was like Christmas in summer - our mailbox was stuffed everyday for a month or so]. I recall that the first person to see (or step on?) a cigarette pack got to slug the other guy in the arm while yelling out "Lucky Strike"]. | |
1960 | Washed the clothes [ed. - ringerwasher, so you had to fill, wash drain, refill, rinse and wring]. Mr Roed and Mr Fair cut down a giant cottonwood in Roed's yard and all the kids watched the major project. [ed. - there were 10 of these trees, now they have all been removed]. | |
1967 | Su - Farm: Went to church with Grandpa and Rose, then back to the field camps to make breakfast. Hung around shooting rifle before taking down the camp. Dropped Steve and Mark off at their farm. | ![]() |
1971 | Jesoni and Sayasi came up to trade stamps. I bought a beautiful tapa Tongan 4' x 6' from Saiasi Nuku for $4 after two days of bargaining (he wanted $5 and I started at $3.60) - sold it in 2022 for $92. Food store - 172 pounds of butter missing in past 6 weeks. Made mouth guards, which I used to floride my teeth. | ![]() |
1972 | Went to Korovou with Murphys for an Indian firewalking ceremony to honor the goddess Devi. 12 walkers and the whole thing lasted about 15 minutes. [ed. - nbever did get copies of the photos that John promised). In 2011 I was able to get copies of Ken Atmore's: see one]. | ![]() ![]() |
1973 | Bought a couple bottles of Cold Duck (sparkling red wine) and waited half hour for the bus which went right past us. Found out that it only stops at the depot; luckily we were able to get booked on the 3PM bus, so we went back home and played pool. Waited half an hour in Hamilton for Gurmit who brought us to the Forsman farm which is about 8 miles north. Pink house on a hill [ed. - I learned later that pink is the color of primer paint]. When we opened one of the Cold Ducks it exploded all over the kitchen (shaken too much on ride?). Not a good start with the family. Gary is a 4th generation kiwi, his great-grandfather being a founding father. | ![]() Charlie ![]() |
1977 | Dinner at Aldersons with Sanders. Good Montana Mont Royale bubbly. Delwyn and Nadine babysat. | |
1978 | Su - Manurewa heated pool with Aldies. Ne was on her own using water wings. Aldies came for supper with take-aways. | |
1981 | Th - Streasicks' for a walleye supper, followed by baseball in their back yard with the kids. | |
1984 | M - Got up at 6:15AM to get a good start at work. But the battery was dead - so I took the bus for the first time ($1.15) at 7:06AM. Took the wrong bus home and had to walk from Ivystone and Isle [ed. - Cottage Grove names streets in an area with the same first letter - we lived in the "I" area on Ironwood]. | |
1990 | Walked to Lady Luck Casino for a $2 all you can eat brunch. Mom played giant slot machine while David illegally taped it (video). We left at 1:30PM. Short drive to reach Hoover Dam and stopped for photos and video. Four hours to reach Prescott, stopping north of it for a few more photos and video. Joyce moving slowly, but Dick in great shape (video) - aside from his c-bag. We heard all about it over supper. The house is next to a highway and will soon be surrounded by many houses in Cliff Rose. Lucky very chubby and steals items, especially shoes, and hides them under the table for ransom (video). | ![]() Dam and ![]() Hell |
1997 | W - Day 44 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal. | |
2000 | Su - Called Dad and heard the difficulty in finding Yukiko at airport MacDonalds. Spoke to her briefly and then to Chris, Angi and Johnny. | |
2002 | Bob continued with his stories: turns out that he worked at Cedar Point Resort on North Star Lake, so he knew about Birkeland's cafe in Marcell. Got some mini raspberry filled rolls to share with everyone, stocked up on fruit for Haubrich visit. Sleepy Eye and found Eloy's apartment. We stopped at the bank so I could give Lori an anniversary card. Lunch (chicken sandwich) at Hardee's and then four hours at his place scanning photos and we only scratched the surface of what he has. Over to Lori's to look at the grandparents' wedding photo on the wall and two small ones of Rose as a baby. From there we drove through a lightning thunderstorm to get to the Jackpot Junction Casino, where we waited until Jerry joined us for a buffet supper. Joined by Joe Malecek (dad's cousin), who lives at the casino, knows everyone and has stories galore. Our server, Keven Smith, knew Jerry from being driven to school by him for so many years. Also met Galen Kodet who was manning the coat "check" room (which I thought was appropriate). Managed to find my way in the dark and rain from the casino to cousin Suzie's farm. | ![]() Aunt Rose ![]() ![]() |
2004 | F - Up at 8:30AM as Graeme began doing my room today. We got the framing put up. Had lunch with Graeme and heard more about his Canadian adventures, as did Gail when we all had coffee when she got home. Audrey's to meet Sally, young Jack Russell, and sort things out on the old computer. Gail and I visited Trish before going to Hickford's for TP. | ![]() |
2005 | Warriors final home game and Stacey Jones emotional send off. Got a SJ face mask. Ann and I had a photo taken with Richard Villasanti and Lance Hohaia. Had a 4 - 0 lead with 20 minutes left only to lose 4 - 16. Had four tries disallowed! | ![]() ![]() |
2006 | Gail and I went to Clarks' for lunch. Met a beauty therapist, Sharon (and daughter Charlotte), who was training Alex. Heard some stories of their San Fran trip (impressed with American flags on all the houses and the bums hanging around in ritzy areas). Hector, the kune-kune, was chasing Star, the horse, around the paddock. | |
2011 | Sa - Fairburns and Larry over for a walk through with me pointing out things. Most of it outside and a long time on the pool maintenance. Let the girls play pool while we were doing that. Nathan expressed an interest in Goofy, so I let him choose one of my extra items. Watched Warriors 26 - Penrith 12 (flashy play by Locke). | |
2022 | Sa - Played Japanese Formula 1 and Gail won it. David and I played jarts until Ne and dogs arrived. Couple games of Kingdom Builder. After supper we played Dominion and Azul. When Gail went to be we played Catan and when Ne left David and I played Moongha Invaders 2-person version again. | |
19th | Back to Top | 21st |