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1972 Attended Neomai's tevutevu. Sat in on a grog session and presentation of tabua. Unfortunately, I sat next to the father of the bride (Lenati) and couldn't extricate myself for 5 hours. The Lau contingent did some mekes and the magiti as the actual tevutevu took place. Jonacani V represented Apenisa (the groom who is on a ship somewhere). It was explained to us in English. More grog and mekes by the Kadavu people.
Adi Cakobau
1979 Su - Murray and Inemoa arrived two hours late for lunch (trouble with buses). They stayed for the rest of the day.
1980 T - Left Pittsburgh on Interstate 70 and zipped through West Virgina before stopping for a sandwich lunch in Ohio. Stopped in Springfield for drinks at a Burger Chef. Filled up at $1.11/gal. Drove until 6PM and stopped at New Castle, Indiana and checked into the Holiday Inn. Supper at Captain D's (cup). Car wouldn't go into gear, then finally with a big clunk. Went for a swim at Inn.
1983 F - Wandersees visited with Bill & Shirley.
1990 Gail woke at midnight, eyes rolled back. She passed out - not breathing, jerkingly came out of it after a minute deathly white and filled with pain. I got the kids up in case we needed to head for emergency, but she seemed to come right.
1997 T - Day 29 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal.
2001 Ian forced me into a walk with Gail along Bothwell Park Rd while Susi waited in the car. Needhams stopped in to pick up Stinger brochure. Whites over for bridge - good hands for a change.
2003 Report on MRI is that Gail's tumor is the same size, but maybe not as dense showing definite signs of being radiated.
2010 Th - Brought Gail to see Dr Sillars and Dr Gunn. They said the tumor is not growing but has expanded and is impairing the brain stem, so an operation is needed. Angi called (been in MN for two weeks and staying another) and I was able to also speak to Dad who was in good shape and reading about different countries.
2020 W - 60 minute walk with Gail along Papamoa waterway starting at Parakaitai Reserve.
2022 F - Terraforming Mars after months...same results. Chinese - smokey fried rice! Listened to the Twins - Blue Jays game while portrait painting. AFL: Giants 72 - Hawks 50 in heavy rain (Callum Brown had 4 goals in his 4th game).
2024 M - Unfortunately, I had the parking permit on top of the car and lost it...when will I learn?? Saw Speed Climbing at the Olympics.
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