Nov 30th |
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1969 |
Hawaii: Details in Peace Corps Journal. |
1970 |
To Nukulevu Island for 4B picnic. We used the same boat that capsized with Scouts in it earlier this year. On the way over Asivorosi and Apate had to bail.
We all went swimming then I watched Isoa K and Taito fish. No need for fancy gear, just a bottle, line, weight, hook and bait. Some boys were diving with home-made spear guns.
and got about 20 decent sized fish. Tape describing the fishing (4Mb). Sigston gaves me a couple mugs of rum and with the heat I slept a couple hours in
a lean-to that Isoa G had made. When I woke I had a tremendous heatstroke headache. Had to wait 2 hours for our turn on the boat.
Then a bouncy ride in back of truck sitting on top of smelly stock feed. That combined with corn beef and sunstroke and I heaved when I get home and slept for the rest of the day. Movie |
1975 |
Brought Jim and Diane to work and had use of their car for the day. Hit the Tallahassee shopping malls in search of a sports jacket. Went to FSU where we bought some books and hung out in the student union until time to pick Wally up at the Low Library. Supper at the Brown Derby with my first Sangria. Pinochle. (WTAL) |
1978 |
F - Taupo to shop (mom bought a kiwi) - started crying and basically was very sad/mad for the whole day. Cherry Island where we fed the trout and looked at the animals. Swimming at AC Thermal pools - I just sat brooding and didn't feel like joining in. Had supper at Cobb & Co. Slept in tent with Te. Home movie playing in park. |
1979 |
Sa - Mike picked me up at 8AM and we got Morris. Then with Ian B we made three trailer loads of lumber to Mike's new workshop. Dropped trailer off, had lunch at Sanders.
Mike and I then delivered a dining suite to a lady. Cleaned up all the junk wood and brought two truck loads of wood to the new place. Got pizzas for supper at his place - Gail joined us with KFC from work. Had a migraine all day and was heaving while others ate (dust and mold). |
1981 |
T - Mom over for my birthday.
Had coffee with her cake, then played Aggravation. After supper we opened gifts (card). A carved name plate, basketball scorebook, book plates, UNO, folding scissors, candy and Readers Digests. |
1984 |
Sa - Downtown to show family my new office, then went to the library. Went there for a Scout activity on historic buildings. Two hours in Civic Center looking at model trains. Supper at Ponderosa and home to have a look at a movie of
Sugar playing the piano. |
1985 |
Su - Aldersons came with 'ginger kisses'. Sanders picked up suitcases - going to Canada. |
1989 |
Took Leszek to Chinese restaurant in Waiuku. He had never eaten Chinese so it was a big treat. Found out that he never saw breakfast cereal before either. Didn't know to put milk/sugar on Weetbix. Thought it was a very dry muesli bar. Brought sofa to his flat and picked up our camping table. Met Christina, Valdek's friend. |
 Valdek |
1991 |
Miranda where we were joined by Whites so Ian could soak his bad back. Barbecue meal around 4PM then back into the pool. Playing bridge when I spotted Colleen. She and Ken had just picked up Bruce and his girl, Linda, back from 3 years of travel. |
2002 |
Whites over for their first swim and I got into the warm (24°C) water.
Sandy and Mike showed up in a convertible with a card and bottle of '99 Maglieri Shiraz wine for my birthday. Got them to stay for an outdoor Thanksgiving turkey meal.
Tracy and Scott came over. They gave me "Bob the Blob" and the Whites gave me a shade cloth. We worked our way through five different wines, starting from an Italian Lambrusco to a Corbans Aquila bubbly to the Matua Valley '96 Cab Sav Merlot that I had been saving for years. |
2005 |
Found several large transactions on VISA (viagra, night vision glasses, etc...) that we didn't do. Canceled my card and wrote a letter disputing the
charges. Explains the call from FedEx yesterday saying they had a package for us to a PO Box in Papakura. |
2011 |
Th - Up early to see Ian off (9 hours to get to Wellington). Went to the Art Group meal (leg of lamb fueled with a Thornbury '11 chardonnay and a spicy Nikau Point '10 Syrah) and I had a long chat with Rob, the teacher. Amazingly fit 72 year old. Sat with Les Carroll. Jennifer Porter and Krista, Anna's daughter. Also talked with Carol, Anna's friend from Hawaii. 90 year old Joy on hand along with Jill and Daphne Bell. |
2012 |
Sa - Russell forgot to bring the newspapers from Emery so this morning he drove back to Papakura to get them! He joined me at petanque. Then with Gail we climbed to the top of the Mount and had a good look at a P&O cruise liner. Home for a curry supper and then 3-way cribbage. Skunked them both and almost doubled Russell. |
Nov 30th |
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