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25th | 26th | 27th |
1969 | Hawaii: Details in Peace Corps Journal. Card from Jim F. | ![]() |
1971 | Gail and I went to Darrell's and met his wife, Pam, and Scott. Showed Fiji movies and slides and pick up my albums. Stopped off at Burger King (27 months without fastfood). | |
1975 | Mom called Don and Dolly so we could say goodbye then drove us to the airport. Flew on Western to Seattle. Two kids sat next to us and David played with their toy phone the whole two hours. Couple hours at terminal watching rain before a short, choppy flight to Vancouver. But had to wait an hour to get a lost suitcase. Steve met us and drove us to see his office at the U of BC. Drove us along the scenic drive and when I got out to take a photo of English Bay, my $10 Wards shoes came apart from getting wet. Lunch at Denny's. Over to his house where we called around and found a room at a Holiday Inn. He drove us there and went back to work. We had a room on the 15th floor with a good view. Heated floor tiles in bathroom were lovely. We walked along Broadway. When we got back I found out from the desk clerk that she makes $6/hr. After a room service supper we went down to the indoor pool where David and Gail went for a swim. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1976 | Sanders for drinks and lunch while kids had a splash in Lia's pool. Mike built Lia a slide. Mom called and we all had a chance to talked to her, Chris, Angi, and Bob. | |
1977 | M - Ngaire visited. Built a herb box under kitchen window. | |
1979 | W - Mrs Dent brought over plums and a photo of her son's family in India. Sanders over - looked at photos while sipping wine and cracking nuts. | |
1981 | Sa - Chris helped set up the train and truck sets. I added a second panel to increase the surface. Steve, Roxane, Jerry and Opal stopped in for an hour on the way to the airport. Blizzard, but we had to bring Chris home. | ![]() ![]() |
1983 | M - Began to sleet and as soon as we got onto I94 we had to go around a four car accident, then off the Interstate altogether by an accident at Mound Blvd. As we were exiting onto 35th St I slid into the back of a taxi and dented the trunk. The trip was to return Mary Ann's purse. On way home we passed a 7-car pile up and then two cars in front of me crashed and spun out. I spun into the median area where the snow slowed me down and I was able to get control and from then on drove very slowly on the icy roads. Pushed bent up license plate into place and notice oil leakage. Called cab owner and offered $300 to avoid insurance claim. | |
1985 | Th - Called Chris at 3PM - Angie couldn't figure out who I was. | |
1986 | F - Anil's for a curry meal and met Leedji and Leah. | |
1987 | Mom had me up at 8AM using her new gift from Chris - cordless speaker phone. Waisake Tuilada arrived, about 10 minutes before Whites, with no warning from Fiji. Sat in the yard until it got too cool. After the meal we played some pool. Had an excellent '87 Muller Thurgau by Nobilo. Dad called around 1:30PM and Gail had a chance to talk to Lavonne. | |
1988 | Got to Maraetai at high tide - loaded everything onto the boat. Returned van to house and Simon picked me up. Very windy, choppy and some rain as we headed out. Ne and Gail got ill by staying below and during the short time I was there I got a migraine. Half an hour using motor to get to Little Muddy Bay at Waiheke Island. Shared the bay with "Fetch". We took dinghy to shore - David and Chris swam it. Sun came out and I got sun burn on legs. Didn't feel like eating, so I was waiter (table hung from ceiling). Ne tried fishing in the dark with no luck. Sleeping - David and Ne up in the hull, Gail and I on ledges and the Breezes on the main bed. see photos | ![]() ![]() |
1989 | Sanders - livingroom is now gibbed, floor poly'd and they have a new sofa set. Lovely light Yalumba '85 Cab Sav/Malbec, to go with meal that had a great dessert selection. Good chat and fun gifts. | |
1990 | Whites (Ian dyed his hair black). Met Doug's Angela (Ian worried they're going to marry too soon). After lunch and squirtgun fights we went to Karioitahi where the girls surfed, the boys played and the adults walked. Barbecue on front lawn being joined by Shane Jamieson. Had a bad '89 St Aubyn's Traminer/Reisling. The traditional line-up. | ![]() ![]() Marrow Xmas |
1991 | Whites and Angela came around 2PM for an afternoon of volleyball, jarts (very popular), croquet and swing ball (video). Barbecue, eat outside. Gifts then Pictionary. Traditional lineup photos: with and without Angela. | ![]() |
1992 | Ian came with kids. They gave me Guiness Book of World Records game (we played it in the evening). Steve Graham joined us for an Christmas Mad Lib game then croquette and an okay Wohnsiedler. Angela and Doug came and joined in the outdoor games until we ate. Had an excellent '85 French bordeaux. Went for a stroll around South Park and Kirks Bush. Slides. Mom called. | |
1993 | Chris and Lavonne called. Whites arrived at 2:30PM same as the rain. Ian, Matthew, Dad and I played dominoes. David came home during his break so he could give Matthew a Quest game (video). Mom called - spoke to her, Jim F and Bob H. After we ate Doug and Angela left. Chinese checkers and then cricket at the park. Walked through Kirk's bush with Ian and Dad. Dad was Santa and gave out the gifts (video). He called Ian "Eye-an". We looked at slides. | ![]() Ian et al ![]() Granny |
1995 | T - Mom called and we talked with Chris, MaryAnn and Bob. Whites, with Angela, over at 4:30PM. Swingball, water fights, basketball and three good games of volleyball. Had a turkey meal outside with a fruity Riccadonna Asti. Lineup photo. | ![]() |
1996 | Th - Mom called and we talked to her, Ne, Gene, Angi, Bob, Chris, Jim F and Dale. Whites arrived in time to say "hi" to her. Played croquette. Breezes dropped in with Chris and Angela. Had a a good time catching up over a very good'95 Villa Bellafonte chianti. When Breezes left we got up a game of Untrivia. | ![]() ![]() |
1997 | F - Picked up Laure and went to Whites for a little petanque, Connections and meal. Played Greed, which we gave to the Whites. Jackie had a marionette that sings and shakes (video). Laure spent the night with us. | ![]() Chris-Ian |
1998 | Sa - Called dad - each Christmas they have to bring chairs to Rhonda's. I told him maybe a set of folding chairs might be a good gift. Whites came for drinks by the pool with Ian, Susi, Sally and Steve. Doug W rode his bike over. Almost everyone into the pool they gave us an innertube (video), then a big meal outside little Christian "eating on the run". Played Jarts. Coffee and dessert. Cricket in the east paddock (video). Traditional line-up (video). Gail got a stone swan. | ![]() ![]() |
1999 | Su - Whites over in the afternoon for a swim (video). Senad and Titania stopped to get boogie boards. Cricket, supper (harsh Rosemont '99 rosé), more cricket and then gifts. | ![]() |
2000 | T - Called Mom and Chris. Heasley called and told me how he ended up in Sydney. Brundell over with his sister, June, and mother, Edna. Loads of fun. Had the official opening of "Brundell Bush". Susi, minis, Matthew and Jackie joined us for a barbecue (very good Morton Estate '00 SavBlanc). Played Risk, chess. | ![]() Su v Nao |
2001 | Chris called and we chatted with Celia (great sense of humor) and Mom (never ending costs refurbishing). Ian and Jackie over for the day. We played with the cricket Crazy Catch then tried out the power boats in the pool, but they sink. I dribbled a few drops of water onto Stephanie and Christopher in his typical manner then decided to pour water over Ian to wake him. Home from surfing to an Italian meal done by the girls, complemented with a McGuigan Merlot. Played iMAgiNiff.... | ![]() iMAgiNiff |
2002 | Called dad who has back pains, Lavonne is ill from the synthetic Christmas tree and Mexican medicines. Spoke to Ne and she told us about Dad's "Christmas" tape that just kept repeating "I'm Hungry" no matter where in the tape they tried. I set up the shade cloth that Whites gave me for my birthday. They arrived en masse in the afternoon. Met Domo's wife, Liti. Doug and Melanie also were by for a cup of tea and a swim (Mel training for "Port to Pub" swim). Domo's kids spent most of the time in the pool. Apparently, Daphne "found" the missing cash. A little pool after the meal, helped along by a great Montana 2000 Semillon. When Matthew came back we played snooker. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2003 | Up at 7:30AM - Ne calling to say she is on her way wanting to get to stores early for big sales - got some fancy Christmas lights. Whites visited: quizzing by Ian on things food and drinkish. deVilliers came by and Marcel had great fun in the pool while I helped Julian overcome his fear to point where he would swim out a ways with kickboard and a flotation shirt. All kinds of games going on all over the place. Played Upwords with Susi and Gail while downing a very dryish Rippon 2002 Gamay Rosé. We played Movie Mania game that Ne gave to Jackie. We gave Ian and Jackie a ride home so we could see their lights. Ian gave us an acer tree. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2004 | Chat with Ve who has left Germany to live in Milano, Italy with Aline. Whites over. We played the NZ 20th Anniversary version Trivial Pursuit. | ![]() |
2005 | Whites over. Only Steve and kids went for a swim. Had an excellent Montana '03 Pinot Noir. Played Buzz and set the record for points. Gave out the gifts and then it was Eye Toy had us jumping playing volleyball etc... Finally a game of Careers. | ![]() ![]() |
2006 | Teresa stopped in and we shared a fantastic Taylors '04 CabSav while listening to her family and work stories. She even produced the burnt fruit cake that she had made. Her granddaughter is named "Sedona Cheyenne" after the place in AZ. She left when the Whites arrived and when we say the Whites, we mean every single one of them down to Josh. It was crowded on the deck. Gave our gifts to the minis and was given a special multi-gift basket (wine, chocolate, cookies, coffee and tea) by Tracy. Gave Jackie our old microwave. She gave me a cartoon that she said was me. And showed me a Flash animation that she made at AUT. Had a very good Wolf Blass Yellow '05 merlot. Wrapped up at 12:15AM. | ![]() TK ![]() Whites |
2007 | Mini-Whites stopped in and gave us Brain Master. Ann and Russell came in the afternoon for a visit. Had a lovely Matua Rosé as we told them about our trip. Ann gave me a Goofy she stamped out of a US penny. A very confused Trish called. | ![]() |
2008 | Whites arrived around 11:30AM and it is was a great day outside with makeshift umbrella shade arrangements on the deck. Pool was used at various times. I didn't stay in long as it felt cold to me. A group played Ticket to Ride. Took the traditional line-up photo. Gave them the Aquisition game which we played. Brought Sally's birthday gift to White's for them to give to her tomorrow. Ian Hendry was there so I stayed on to visit. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2009 | Sa - Set up the pool area including shade cloth over it. Whites came for an afternoon of swimming, cricket and bridge. Ian made me a very small cup of bitter coffee using his Nespresso machine. Had the traditional lineup photos and they dispersed. | ![]() |
2010 | Su - Ian, Susi and mini-Whites came for an afternoon of snacking, and quizzing (100 worst songs) and swimming. Madison in her own pool. Went through a few wines (Mt Michael '06 PN, Mt Difficulty '08 PN and a Brown Bros spritzy Dolcetto Syrah). Moved indoors for a few games of Dominion. | ![]() ![]() |
2014 | F - Had a Danish open sandwich lunch at Anna's with a fantastic Aalboorg akvavit (dill and corriander). Then last Scrabble game of the year. Long chats with Else and Henk and then Heather (skin cancer). | ![]() |
2016 | M - Found the show about the 1972 South Pacific Arts Festival Gawel referred to and got the photo from it. | ![]() |
2023 | T - Boxing day. Slow drive to Countdown because of the traffic. Had to park at doctor's. Most people I have ever seen at Bayfair; about half being Indians. Took a little effort but I managed to return the recalled tarts. 35 minute walk in the muggy 24°C. Did a little yardwork. Gym and pool (10). | |
25th | Back to Top | 27th |