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30th | 31st Part I | Dec 31 II |
1962 | M - High = 21°F. Moved to new place in Bloomington with Steve's help. New Year's at Steve's. | |
1964 | Spent NYE at Steve's. Brought Barb and Dean over to Steve's and we had a party. I picked up Kincy at church brought him to Barb Jensen's and left him there. Later Barb, Dean and I picked him up as he was walking home. We stopped at a gas station on 494 about 1AM to get gas. No one came out, so I walked over to a car that was running by the station and knocked on the window to ask them if they knew if it was open. Car filled with drunk guys who decided they wanted to pound the hell out of me. Just as I turned to flee to my car the attendant came out and that put a stop to their fun and they sped off. | |
1965 | Took Debbie to party at her church. Party was boring so I left Debbie there and went looking for the IT gang at Carole's. | |
1966 | Kincy and I went to a party at Hirdler's. | |
1968 | Brought Terri over to my apartment for a steak meal. Showed her my artwork. We went to a party in Richfield where we played chug. We then crashed another party. | |
1969 | New year chow in Ernest's garage, then to Fujioka's. Details in Peace Corps Journal. | |
1970 | McDougalls at 6PM. We ate and played darts until the Wrights (from RKS) came. Talked until Whites arrived in time for joining hands and singing "Auld Lang Syne". "First stepping" by going down to Whites and throwing talcum on Mela (who was sleeping). Susi went wild with water throwing buckets of it at us. Ian had his tape recorder playing bagpipes as we went to Jemesa's, Roqica's and ended up at Netani's where we found Jo and his brother Etuate and cousin Luke. We sat, drank and sang. Luke sprinkled everyone liberally and smeared faces with talc. Netani told how in the old days villages would challenge each other to water fights and they would go on for months. We had breakfast around 4AM and then onto Sigston's and Murphy's. I got to bed after 5AM. | ![]() Jemesa |
1971 | Les' were we played Pokeno, Parcheesi, Yahtzee and tried Pass Out - we made it around 5 times. The lights on Mom's car didn't work, so I stayed at Town's. | ![]() |
1973 | Strawberry picking with Mariasoucce and we got around 10 pounds free since Lucy works there and she pulled a few strings. I sent this quote to Reader's Digest but it was never used: "The family that oinks together stys together". We played billiards left-handed and Gail won. Sanders for barbecue (burning coconut shells) with Les Becket and family. Boring chat so we left at 10:30PM. | |
1974 | Kleinsmith, Ranadi and Ian over. Lawrence left at 10PM. Played pontoon until 3:30AM. Had an excellent Villa Maria '72 Hock. Ranadi was in the nursery room and Ian hit the floor in the livingroom. | ![]() |
1975 | Steve and David played in the sandbox while we took it easy. Began playing bridge at 9PM (Gail and I won 2 rubbers). Went to Hargrove's for the midnight action, but no one was home. Power began going on and off (some drunken engineer probably). Ian went down to see that it was kept on. Hargrove showed up a few minutes later and we went to his place. He woke up Roko and her niece, Selina. Played billiards. Gail went to bed at 1:30AM, Ian at 2AM. I tried to at 3AM, but was locked out, so I went back and played until 5:30AM. | ![]() Silena |
1976 | Sanders for party with their friends and family 'til 2AM. Met Mike's parents, his sister Melva (from OZ), brother Peter, friends John & Diane Lynch and Kathy's bridesmaid Laura (and Ken). David was very good and lasted until 12:45AM. Mike's father a real character full of stories. | |
1984 | M - 4" snow. Tom Nolz back from down-under; they looked up Murphys. Played pool for M&M's. Sugar, in defending a treat in a sock, bit Ne. Taught kids 500 rummy and Ne won. | ![]() Tom Nolz |
1985 | Aldies over for a round of putt putt. New low of 28. David and I got holes in one. Short game of Trivial Pursuit until James had to go home. | ![]() |
1986 | W - Clarks over at 7PM for tacos and games. Played Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune and Skunk before Sophie and Sandy got too tired so they didn't make it to midnight. Villa Maria '84 Chardonnay was great but a French Beaujoulais '83 La Jac Quiere, was bad. Played poker until midnight then tried in vain to break Ne's pinata. Mike brought Poleconomy for David to figure out. | ![]() ![]() |
1988 | After breakfast we stopped at Pakatoa to get supplies. Fran continues to get everything wrong - 28 years of marriage - Simon is incredible. Back to Ponui, but the north harbour this time. Rubber dinghy detached and we had to go back to get it. Got to the bay and there are "Banshee", "Freedom" and "Spindrift". Fried rice for supper. At 9PM we began celebrations. Had a snap-stick green glow for light source that lasted for 4 hours. Blew up the Coke® beachball and played indoors volleyball and table tennis. Cards games where the winner got candy and losers peanuts. Ne fell asleep at 11:30PM, but I woke her in time. see photos | |
30th | Back to Top | Dec 31 II |