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1946 Baptized: Johann Nikolaus in hospital in Vienna, Austria with Nikolaus De Vita of Philadelphia as Godfather, standing in for my father who had been shipped back to the States.
1969 Hawaii: Details in Peace Corps Journal.
1970 My very first hangover.
1973 Edmund Hillary school staff do with Sanders at the Fontainbleu (upstairs in Papkura). Old Kelly was a riot on the microphone.
1981 Sa - Lessers over for a curry meal (excellent Inglenook '77 Zinfandel) and then we looked at his slides of Africa (PCV). Earl Grey tea and baba cake.

Clarks over for a morning visit with a bottle of wine and a jam roll. They just bought a place on Wellington. Whites arrived for lunch with a wine, rosé and gin. We got a couple rubbers in before Aldersons came with gifts: jar of cashews, Goofy activity book and a Doug and the Slugs album, "Popaganda". Watched Doug's windsurfing film. Supper and then a Goofy video "Roots of Goofy" - Matthew thought it was hilarious though it was probably too long for most others. Sanders (bottle of wine and a clever card by Kathy) arrived around 8:30PM. James was chasing Jackie trying to give her a hug (video). Kids broke living room window when playing four square. Whites stayed overnight.

1990 Spray painted Aldies' mailbox flourescent pink and when I got home from work there was a note from Trish to the Pink Panther. Got my redundancy approved.
1991 David and I went to Aldies. Painted the mailbox black for Trish's 40th (video). She called to tell me I was a hoon.
1992 Clark's for a curry meal and test my trivia tape while downing an extra brut Carrington bubbly.
1993 Aldies where we had an tour of Carmel's herb gardens. Had a light meal and a rum baba cake. When Doug came home at 5PM we played pool until 7PM.
1994 Painted Aldies mailbox white and was caught by Helen and Catherine (video).
1995 T - Brought Trish a bouquet of spinach.
1996 Doug came over for RnR Scattergories with a Goofy keychain and a mechanical/musical Santa holding a lightbulb candle.
1998 Sa - David went to Clarks to babysit so they could come over to our place for a tour and curry meal. Sandspit at 7:30PM sharp only to wait forever (bland Montana '97 chardonnay). Only 5 teams for the Trivial Contest. We won - box MacIntoshes and a Lucky Dip Lotto ticket each [ed. - Gail's was a winner with 4 numbers for $27]. We got a box of candy for being runnerup in the Scavenger Hunt. Ian won 4 helpers for 2 hours work.
1999 Su - Whites over for a barbeque. Met Doug's latest, Melanie Schmidt from Melbourne. Ian left my gift (a picture book on mountains) at home so he drove back to get it (5 mins away). When he hadn't returned a hour later no one was surprised, cause that's the way it is. Turns out that he saw police at the corner so he stopped and walked home and back because he didn't have his driver's license on him and it's a $75 fine.
2001 Painted Trish's mailbox black, put up some balloons and place a couple flowers by the big sign, while she was off to lunch with friends. Renewed my driver's licence (5yrs= $29.50).
2002 Doug's to meet Marcia's parents, Toby and Kay (flying out to Laos tomorrow) along with John and Lynn, John and Marie, Andrew and Lynley. Three Jacob's Creek - Greneche Shiraz '01, Merlot '00 and the best a '01 Shiraz that was very good.
2003 Trish's to scrape her mailbox back to metal, but didn't paint as it began to rain.
2004 Called Timaru and spoke to Russel. Called Timaru again and this time was able to wish Trish 'Happy Birthday'. Her mother is only awake for a few minutes at a time.
2006 Trish's to sing "HB" with David and have a piece of cake.
2009 Te, Gail and I went to see the rebuilt Manukau Heads lighthouse (so high up you could almost touch the planes from and to airport). We rushed to get ahead of group (it's a small lighthouse). Wonderful views and we were allowed inside (photo). From there we went to Orua Beach for a walk along the side I had never done. Stopped when we came upon a stream with a large sandstone carving.
2010 Su - Gave the Nolls a tour of the yard (they took many photos of the flowers). Karioitahi for Linda and Allison's first go at bodyboard surfing. Linda a real trooper but waves knocked her about and she soon headed back to the black sand beach. I got several decent rides and one good one (tide going out). Sat on the beach enjoying the fresh air and watching the activities of other. Linda did a shell finding journey and was happy with her finds. supper (chicken paprika) with an excellent Seifried '08 Gerwurtz. Pavlova for dessert. Linda gave me a photo album of her family and we went over them one by one with me adding notes to family tree and had many good stories. Gave me a Mahnomen tee-shirt, Apples to Apples and Sequence games, Christmas decorations and calenders.

D and A

2012 W - Gail picked up Trish from the Naked Bus. After the grand tour we sat in sunroom and had her amuse us with Verna stroke story. Had supper with an extremely sweet Selak 2011 Gerwurtz/Reisling followed by a baba cake (Kahlua) and the traditional photo. Russel called Trish.
2013 Th - Gail brought Trish to Bayfair. Then as 1PM approached she went out in the car to look for her. Trish,in the heavy rain, managed to walk around the surrounding streets amd finally made it back. Anna over for Scrabble and gave me strawberry jam that she made today. We toasted with Aquavit and had the dark chocolate covered ginger that Trish brought. Russel left a message for Trish and I spoke to Russell.
2014 F - Anna over for Scrabble. She gave me a chocolate teddy for my birthday. Hawaii Calendar and letter from Jane (I put hers into the mail yesterday). Colleen's to help her get out a Christmas newsletter on her Mac. Brought Ne home for Catan and quiche. Russell called.
2016 M - Rode to the Mount in Ian's new car. Partial walk around it with Gail, Ian and Susi. Ice cream cones. Home to play a couple rubbers of bridge and they left at 7PM. Emery called and talked for an hour - off tomorrow for her 7 week Norway-Europe adventures.
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