Back to Months
9th 10th 11th
1973 Elizabeth Leifting (teaches with Gail) brought us to their rural property near Clevedon. They took us to Maraetai beach where I cut my thumb on a shell. We watched a polo game at Clevedon.
1975 Lusi Mariasouccé began babysitting Te so I no longer had to carry him to Bensons. Signed up with Auckland Building Society (save for two years to qualify for a mortgage).
1981 T - Went to David's school where he gave us a tour. Met his teacher, Mrs Forest. Pat Mowser was selling books. David bought one and I got stickers. Had a drink in lunchroom with Lundholms.
1985 Su - Brought Dick and Joyce to Das Stüberl in Richfield for a German meal and a very good Wm Wycliff rosé. I had Biersch Mit Kartoffelsalat (pronounced Car tah fell zal lot) - a potato salad that is served warm). We were celebrating Dick's 57th. Gave him Polish playing cards.
2022 Th - David arrived (been 2 years since he was last here) and after visiting we taught him Wingspan and Yedo.
2023 F - email and photos from Fab and best excuse for not writing to me: she thought I was dead. We were on the road before noon and got to Whites around 3PM - a couple long detours in Pukekohe. Saw groups of 3 green crosses on roadside apparently farmers protesting government efforts to reduce carbon emissions. We caught up on each other's lives while downing a couple pinot noirs (Blind River 2020 and Rabbit Ranch 2021) and I managed to spill my first glass. Ian let me sample an excellent Dalwhinnie single malt scotch. Their bag of chips had a hole (mouse?) and they were soggy, so into their new air fryer. Takeways for supper and they taught us Habitats. Gail couldn't drive in the dark, so we swapped at Bombay and it was an easy ride home (I passed a breathalizer test in Matamata [Gail was worried]) arriving at midnight.

9th Back to Top 11th