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14th 15th 16th
1954 Watched "I Love Lucy" episode Oil Wells.
1963 Tried to change a tire on the Pontiac but couldn't loosen the lugnuts. Story of my en-tire life.
1968 I forged a note from Lloyd (our supervisor) to Les and left it on Lloyd's desk. He never caught on saying he must have been in a hurry when he wrote it. The man is an idiot.
1970 VSAs chased a rat in their house with a cane knife until they finally chopped off its head.
1975 Frances babysat while we went to Alderson's for photo looking and sipping a sweet 1974 Gibley's Vin Rouge. Wonder what the neighbors think of the gruesome display in the garage.
1976 Rams dropped in out of the blue (visiting sister in Avondale since Dec) with a Mr Cobb who lives a block away. Masons gave us a TV - only gets channel 2, but no complaints. Watched a show about a Greek migrants in NZ.
1986 Sa - Went to Simpsons for chilled soup, meal and cribbage until 12:30AM. Mark very lucky first three games but Dianne and I got even by double skunking them.
2001 Doug ovae and showed me photos from Lyndsey's 50th, and played Scattergories ("where", last name is a first name e.g. Robyn Luke; and "sun") outside.
2002 Steve G called - in from Paris to attend a wedding. Kelly M had stayed with him while she was there trying to get a modelling job. We have a mouse scurrying around upper level and, I swear its true, Stephanie jumps up onto the furniture when she sees it. Picked up Ian (Susi hid radio and iron, then blamed their loss on Ian for never locking doors - he found them and re-hid them on her!). Took long route to Doug's to pick up his laptop. Had a glass of red to help ease the pain of Doug playing America songs. We made our escape and got to AH's for TP. Had a question about Gordon Pirie, who taught at Rosehill with me.
TP card
2008 Russell and Ann brought us to his folks place to pick up his sister, Linda, over from Brisbane. Over the bridge and North Harbour Stadium where we watched Jr Warriors beat Vulcans 40 - 14. Warriors lost to Newcastle 14 - 22.

2009 Jacqui and Grant Baker came for a visit and as soon as I saw him I knew he had been in my night class. Upon checking it was back in 2001. So we sat outside and downed a Sticks shiraz while we chatted. Took them on a tour of the property. Gave them their first taste of kohl rabi. Just before they left Grant mentioned Trivial Pursuit. Turns out that Jacqui is on a regular team at the Tuesday evening Cossie Club game.
2019 F - Bev's where Ian was with his moon boot (Achilles). We taught him Castles of Burgundy. We had mock chow mein with donuts for dessert. Then we played Kingdomino and Azul until 9:30PM. Had a good run home.
2023 W - 4 hours at 34OC doing stuff until the fibre assessor came. Cleared out plants where it will enter house and began removing stones from along driveway.
14th Back to Top 16th