Back to Months
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1965 Cost $52.09 to have rear window of my '58 Chevy replaced.
1979 Th - Colin was at camp, so I interviewed a couple maths applicants, from Australia and Ireland. Jerkovich wants to hire the one with no experience, so more work for me.
1985 FF - Frank and Libby over for their first taste of curry. They REALLY didn't know what it was. Thought it was a dip. Let Libby try her hand at the Apple IIc. Then we finished our Fiji slides and showed them our NZ slides.
1988 Letter from Karen Lees - loving Canberra. Letter from Joyce - Dick's 60th and his efforts to move to Arizona.
1989 Patricia showed up because Sharee had asked Stefan when she was starting, but I had arranged with Patricia to start on Monday so I sent her home. Des Chapman got upset. Several phone calls and she was at the IC doing DW4 training in AM and attending a workshop being given by Ian. Norm Clark asked me about the SLT, but I wormed my way around that one. Helped Ne with her caterpillar project. Daya called to invite us to their new house in TeAtatu.
1991 Awhitu Environmental Camp (video). David and Matthew got the staff headquarters, with TV. They set out to play cricket (video). Ian, Susi, Jackie and Mario in one room, Granny in middle room and me on the other side. Girls were down the hill. After supper we explored. Played dominoes with Ian and Granny. I slept on upper bunk and it was hot.

2009 Got to Emery's at the appointed hour only to find Russell and James off to check on trains. So we were going to be "late", eh? Got to North Shore Stadium and an empty carpark. Ticket booths not open. Guard says we can't go in and need to drive around to other side to buy tickets. Buying them was an effort amongst much confusion with the sales staff. It is now a little after 1PM when we return and attempt to go into the stadium brandishing our tickets. Guard says no one in until 2PM! So I sat down and read my book for 45 minutes. By the time 2PM rolls around there is a large crowd at the gate and I am perfumed to death. First game was juniors vs Vulcans and was lively. The Warriors managed to defeat the Cowboys 32 - 28 with a last minute try. Crowd was 16,000 which is very healthy for a pre-season.

2012 W - Evacuation practice. Our group, 11, met outside the main building, Jill arriving very late (told her she shouldn't use precious time putting on makeup).
2017 W - Called Russell and found out that he won't be getting season tickets for the Warriors and he has put is house up for sale.
2019 F - Russell and Houghton came for a visit, takeaways and then a game of Trivial Pursuit: Pinky and the Brain.
2022 T - email from Trustpower saying we are now a customer having been activated 21 March 2014!!! Later we got an apology from the CEO.
2024 Th - David arrived at the usual time. After visiting we got up a game of Cascadia. Then lasagne for supper. "Lost Cities" and baba cake. Gail went to bed and we played Terra Nova.
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