Back to Months
24th 25th 26th
1961 High = 27°F. Met Kelley downtown. We followed a couple guys around Dayton's. Bowled at Lincoln Lanes, a basement place on Hennipen Ave. Went to our class' gym night at De. I beat Pilacinski and tied Kelley in leg races. Basketball and lights out tag.
1977 F - Ethel Lochan said she had trouble understanding my Hindi because I use formal Hindi. Went for a 2 mile run with Doug and downed a bottle of Villa Maria Chassemino while watching Rod Stewart.
1979 Dude Ranch Western Day in Henderson. Watched a fast draw competition, steer riding, barrel racing, bronk busting and arrow shooting. Went for a ride on a stage coach. Cannons went off all over the place. There was an Indian attack on a cavalry unit. And finally we watched show jumping (video of the day).
1988 Whites came at 7PM. Bridge - Susi and I doing very well until 8PM when we left for the airport. Found Kiwi-Yankee Slanguage Dictionary there. Woody, Taina and Jennie arrived at 10PM or so with all their heavy gear (kicked out of Vanuatu). Brought them back here for coffee and brief visit before they went to stay at White's.
1999 Th - Gail got KFC in Pukekohe and Doug showed up with KFC. Ate a lot of chicken.
2005 Irene's who was worried as we were the first to arrive at 8:30PM and RJ had bake heaps of "mashed beans buns". Got TP game played and sang "HB" to Paul.
2008 Bob Hayson arrived in his MG-F convertible around 1:30PM. We hit the pool. Looked at his QVS photos until supper. Then we looked at my Fiji photos and finished off going through his father's slides that had us up until 12:30AM.
2012 Sa - Even though I took two tramadols I was awake the whole night. Very groggy and sweaty until 2AM. Then a pain in my right thigh developed and so I got up and checked DVT on the net. Off to A&E with Gail and after two hours DVT was ruled out but Drs Thangavali and Cossey had no idea what the lump is.
2017 Sa - Gail and I got to Bev's at 3PM. Played Castles of Burgundy with Bev. When Colleen arrived, she and Dave told us about their horror cruise from Sydney to Auckland with none of the planned stops. Had a meal and then played Catan with the ladies. Ended by playing Phase 10 (gave it to Dave) and Colleen was unbelievably lucky. Left at 10:15 and made it home at 1AM.
2022 F - Biked to 34OC for yardwork. Gym and pool (14=pb).
2023 Sa - We got straight into the Monza Gran Prix. David's Fireball won despite spinning out 3 times and being blocked once. Gail's cars came 2nd and 3rd. Then it was a game of Alhambra followed by Wingspan. Hell's Pizzas for supper with an excellent 2019 Vidal Syrah. Tuscany then affogatos and Stone Age.
24th Back to Top 26th