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23rd 24th 25th
1966 Ad in the U Daily for Computer Dating. We tricked Olson into filling out the form. All the guys chipped in (10¢ each) and then sent it in. We're buying him a date.
1967 Steve and I went to Olson's to jam with him and Keith who showed me some chords and we did a few numbers.
1975 Bought Roy Johnson's 3-speed bike for $22. American, Lloyd Sanders, ran a coaches only basketball clinic at the YMCA.
1980 Su - St Helier's Bay where Gail broke the tail light backing into a fence, then scraped the car pulling out ripping chrome off (this after we have sold the car!). Eventually parked and then walked down to watch Pam Johnson grabbed $4709 in the Million Dollar Grab (notes blown around a glass enclosure). A million (probably a big exageration) Minties were tossed out to the crowd, we got plenty. I got a bumper sticker. Watched a frisbee demonstration and a Le Mans start windsurfer race.
1983 Th - Scout meeting. David carried American Flag in. Sat with Mennes, Mrs Vertanen and Father Rowan (heard for the 3rd time about his NZ trip and he would ask everyone: "Did you know that John lived in NZ?" and off he would go telling his story...). Dog obedience show with two champion German shepards. David got to work with Sugar trying to teach her some of those tricks. I pledged $40 since that is what it costs for a boy for a year. Other 31 families came up with $255. Pack leader came over and gave me a Scout mug for my generosity.
1989 Got a big laugh when Patricia pointed out her mother and I said: "That's the woman I see your father with all the time".
1996 Sa - Restaurant 360° with Bert, Mike and Paul in Irene's van. Celebrating Paul's 47th. Joined by Ann, Russell, Pam and Peter, Ronda, Kalena, Ian, Susi, Jackie and former TPers John and Joan. Great interest in a crane and its operator (at our level) who didn't move. Sanders' for Mike's 50th. Peter S made a great poem.
1998 T - Auctioneer, Roger Loveridge, did his job. 28 people but only two bidders. We set the reserve at $250,000, though Toby felt $220,000 was more reasonable [ed. - we got $236,000]. So we accepted and out came the champagne. They gave us a large floral arrangement and a framed sketch of the house.
2002 email from Judy, who's grandson is called "Malley". We went to Wrights for a barbecue with Tony (vet) and Ann, Don (flowers) and Rosemary Ralph-Smith, neighbors Harry and Joyce and Jack and Daphne (African violets). Wind forced the table umbrellas down and rain just as we began to eat had them back up. Great stories about the Wrights' boating mishaps (saved by the Ralph-Smiths).
2023 F - Exchanged emails with Storlie who had relatives in Marcell. Games began at 1:30PM beginning with Catan which David hated. Dominion with Nocturne and Menagerie expansions didn't fair much better. Moved on to Lost Cities. After a Turkish dinner we played Tuscany and Wingspan. David and I stayed up until 3AM learning Scythe.
2024 Sa - I drove for two hours to get to Russell's. He drove us to the game in Mark's old beater. No parking pass this year so we had to pay $20 to park way down the hill. A few of the gang were there. Peter was at his sister's 80th. Ben, wife and their two year son came, but the boy wasn't happy about being there, so they left soon after the game began. Four yahoos moved into their seats and proceded to vape. Security warned them 4 times but that didn't stop them. Preseason game against Dolphins. They won 34 - 22, but many penalties. We got out easily and it was a breeze driving home.
23rd Back to Top 25th