Back to Months
29th 30th 31st
1960 Got my first pair of glasses, which I decided I needed because the pins looked blury at bowling.
  click to see earliest photograph of me in glasses (and bowling shirt)
1973 Steven Park failed so we won't be getting the flat. Went to Barfoot & Thompson and they gave us keys to a couple places. Walked to them and they were not fit for habitation. When we got back to the office I asked to see the manager (Blaskell). They must have thought we were some hippy Americans just bumming in NZ. Because when I explained that we were teachers, me at Rosehill, out came a cigar and he himself drove us to view a newly finished flat. We took it: 29A South Street, Flat 3, a two bedroom for $26/wk. Got a truck organized and our crates were brought over from school and stowed in the carport. Pauline carted all our stuff from their house. Waited for Ag man to come so we could open the crates. Went to Mac's for supper. John called an Ag friend and we got hold of Mr Warren who said we could unpack.
1975 Phone calls -
9:30AM: Dave Everest wanting basketball uniforms to be used in the clothes pegging competition in conjunction with the Papakura City Festival.
11AM: Heather McGhie make arrangements for a meal.
Noon: solicitor changing appointment time.
2:30PM: Jerkovich wants me to make stationery issue arrangements.
4:50PM: lady about china cabinet.
5PM: man about china cabinet - sold it for $45.

Patrick Everest came for help for his correspondence maths and a blank tape for me to record rhythm beats my jumbo makes for his father. Gail and Te home from camping looking healthy. Rudy and Jocelyn visited. Dave and Robyn Everest came with news that McNeill raised the price of their house by $4,000.
1977 Letter to Casey Kasem.
1982 Sa - Model Railroad flea market at Woodbury High and we loaded up big time (bag of spikes, RR hat, trundle, Union 76 oil tanker, dynamo car, tracks and two switches all for $12.35). Brought dead Sanyo TV to S.A. Electronics on University. At Target I had a clerk load a weight set into the cart, only to find that the sale had ended, so I didn't buy.
1985 W - Below 0°F all day. 3 hours with Georganne S who is doing a system on a PC. Met her supervisor, Diana. Matthews said I was company's foremost BASIC expert.
1986 Th - David dropped his frozen bag of M&M's cracking most of them - so he was depressed.
1987 Sipped drinks (Corban '85 Liebstraum) with Simpsons under the kiwifruit vines. Taught them croquet. Diane enjoyed it and Mark won the second game. In for a meal (excellent '81 Nobilo cabsav), chat (they have bought a section in Totara Heights). Computer games. Mark's birthday on Monday so we surprized him with a cake.
1988 Finally met Ian's mother who at 76 is a real firecracker. After a tour of the yard we had lunch. Women went for a walk and when they returned we had cake and ice cream. Gave Matthew a spark gun and sun visor (early birthday).
1989 Kathy, Mike and Sam stopped in - his arm in cast again after second operation on his finger tip.
1993 Whites over for supper, bridge and looked at Ian's slides from their Fiji trip.
1994 Whites over for jarts, croquette and barbeque. Walked to the school and then around block. Bridge then slides.
1997 Th - Ne made it home from France. After a KFC meal Ne gave us gifts - Goofy baseball cap, couple bottles of wine, a "Dingo" zipper, Goofy glass, French Disney comic and a French cereal box for me. French Monopoly game for David.
2001 Didn't get into Auckland until 7PM, where I picked up Titania. We found our way to Pt Chev and when I pulled into Nick's Titania says "That's where Stephanie lives". Amazing, right across the road! So we went over to say hello. Got the keys and we were on our way home.
2002 Built a slide for the swimming pool (Aldies old kitchen bench and the ladder we picked up from inorganic pile) - Ian came in evening to be the first to try it (although he didn't climb to the top). Ne went into Auckland with Steph and came back with a Thai shell-clock gift for us from Titania. Watched The Staircase
2005 Talked to Joyce who thinks she may have had "Indian virus" in 2002. Beautiful sunny day and the pool filled with Whites. Over to Whites for a barbecue with the Saunokonokos. David and I played Simpson's Monopoly with the kids. I let Sam take my place and he won a lot only to lose it all. Susi had plantain (cooked in coconut milk) that Neli had brought over from Fiji.
2007 Valley fogged in. On the road by 8AM. Got lost once we hit Adelaide, but got directions when we filled the car (petrol $1.05/l) and we got to the airport with time to spare. Pretty plain tandori chicken with a piece of cake. But the Montana '05 Merlot-Cab Sav had some body and bite. We ended up at the back of a long line of Asians being methodically searched for food etc... We declared our gum honey which was taken from us. Last ones out and there was David to drive us home. .
2009 F - Franklin Memorial Hospital where the district nurse says that GAil's leg wound is almost completely healed. Ann, Russell, Mike and Houghton came by and after chit-chat we got food from various outlets in beautiful downtown Waiuku. Ann brought along a lovely Saint Clair 2007 Pinot Noir and a trifle. Played TP. Ian, Paul and Irene joined us.
2011 Su - Went to Cock and Bull where I shouted the drinks for the TPers who came along. Gail had a Grasshopper and Paulette had no idea what it was, so Gail had her whip together c-de'm and ice cream. As we were leaving Mike fell and skinned his elbow, the two Ann's and I each whipped out our bandaids.
2014 Th - Heather wanted to know why we had a toilet brush on our statue - its the solar light Gail gave me. Scrabble at Anna's. I was lucky and won. Games at Kim's. Played "No Thanks" with Martin and Kim. Max joined us for Coup, which I won. Played Kemet with both Seans, Michael and Kim. Then Euphoria with both Seans and Kim
2018 T - Kismet got his first poodle cut - I don't like the fluffy tail. 3B to clean livingroom baseboards and patch large divot in wall. Also determined that the Dyson doesn't move due to the carpet density. Got my first pair of Bluetooth headphones (for TV use).
2022 Su - Bunnings to get 12 pavers and a 2.4m stick ($7.35) with which I tried to level the patio sand. I managed to lay 4 pavers and determined that I need to buy more sand.
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