Back to Months
30th 31st Feb 1st
1971 Made pancakes for lunch. Taped "Listeners' Favorites". Kelera moved in with Woody who bought an electric guitar at the Dragon Club. He rigged up the amp to play off of batteries so he can play all night. Whites up for bridge - Susi and I were won.
1973 Ag man, Mr Warren, came at 8AM and washed our shoes and basketball. Bussed into Auckland. A.E.B. gave Gail hope about getting a job. Met Paul and had lunch with him at the Hungry Horse. Hit Maples Department Store on Symonds Street to buy a dinette ($135), a bed ($140), a fridge ($179) and a heater ($11). Bussed back to Takanini and got groceries at Foodtown and WALKED to the flat.
1974 Boardman arrived in his '38 Morris. We were joined by Chris Leete (Flat 1) and Breezes come over to visit. Played 3 games of billiards while downing whiskey sours, looked at slides and had supper. Went to Patamahoe to find Mitchells. Went up and down the four main roads looking for their car or hoping to see them through a window. At one stage Bob called out: "Trevina??" to a lady. Stopped at Post Office to call someone in Auckland who knew Mitchell's phone number. While we were waiting for them to call back Bob chatted up the operator. They were only 6 houses away. Whenever the TV lost its signal Eddie would rub the screen with a pillow. We emptied a bottle of Ballentines while Bob played on the piano. Home around midnight. Bob and I played snooker until 2:30AM and I had Paul Mitchell play a song for Bob on Radio i.
1975 Green's to get flight organized (one-way to US for two = $1148 Te pays 1/10th). Talked him into driving me to get a crate of beer - 40¢ refund for crate; nothing for bottles. Sanders over with a wine. Mike beat me at snooker with a fluke shot that rolled on top of the cushion before falling into the hole.
1976 Te made it out of his cot by himself for the first time and he showed up for breakfast with a tractor (he discovered his toy box). Doug brought us to their place in Ardmore where we were joined by the Johnstons and Webbers. Lee with his blanket "dougie". Played bowls using lemons. Had a barbecue and then the men played golf on the Ardmore airstrip. Dessert and then went for a swim in the primary school's pool. Walked back in the dark. Had coffee and then Johnstons gave us a lift home.
Doug & Noeline
1981 Sa - Groceries at Super Valu, where I saw a barcode laser scanner in action for the first time.
1986 F - Dawn Alexander fainted getting off the bus - a dead fall, hitting her chin on brick sidewalk. I was right behind her and was the one to revive her. Held her until ambulance arrived. Blood on my hand and shirt and scuffed my work boots.
1987 Fornusek's on Tuimata Rd. 6 acres on rolling hills with spectacular views both ways up the valley. Brony Newton staying over so it was the 4 girls and David left to himself while adults chatted. After barbecue girls put on skits.
1988 Drove out to a spot beyond Kawakawa Bay. Heavy traffic on a very narrow road. But we managed to find a place to park and got Granny down the cliff. About 2 - 3 hours in the water just floating. Ian had a flat, of course (video), so we didn't get back at 8:30PM.
1994 Whites. Both of Jackie's Christmas-gift rabbits have escaped. Surfing with Jackie and Matthew. Granny stayed in the van, as wind was too cold. Good rides but a strong rip. Lunch at Whites. Upwords at home.
1995 Gail and I walked to Whitehouse for a cajun meal.
1997 F - There is a gang that hangs outside the B-Block door and I kid around with them. Today Julie (5th form) said she was schizofrenic so I said: "that makes four of us, we should go on a double date".
2001 My picture and story about night class in the local paper. Drove through low-lying clouds over the Coramandel Range and got to Opoutere and huddled in the main caravan for the rest of the day. Played Upwords, had supper and then cribbage. Read "Impulse" by Conrad Aiken - man shoplifts on an impulse to see what it feels like, gets caught and life is ruined.
2002 Tutors meeting. After snacks Sheila gave us a yoga lesson - kept telling us to breathe in - and I kept saying I wouldn't (because all the ladies were loaded with perfume). Pizza (lasagna for me) and wine (Jeanette had put the bottles in the freezer and I thawed one out in hot water). Jeanette went over the changes happening to Community Ed. Half the group went for an art lesson and I gave the others an Internet lesson. Final session to decide qualities of a good tutor. Jeanette gave me one of the two unopened wines (Nobilos 2001 chardonnay).
2003 Gail told school that she can't do the Social Studies work and they came back with a .8 scale with 3 afternoons off. We discussed the options with Elaine who was over for a swim with Gail and it looks like we will accept and just tighten our belts. Ann and men over for takeaways - I had fielded for the cricketers on the boundary fence. Ian had a swim and I went in as did both Ann and Russell did. Mike and Ann arrived with photos of her daughter's wedding (Vicki Jones the celebrant). Took a while to get the TP game going.

2007 Elaine came for lunch. Bob got screwed by Nigel Beere to tune of $540 for drilling a hole in his tooth. Louise also came along and the women swam. Laps in the beautiful 27°C water. Ian and Susi over for bridge, with side trips out to look for Comet McNaught. Had an very good Wyndham '05 pinot noir to ease the pain of getting lousy cards.
2014 F - Mexican from Gourmet Market (fajita with french fries inside). Three games of Carcassonne with Inns and Cathedrals added. Gail in a newspaper photo for article about Greerton Library.
2020 F - Chatted with Glenn T - I was thinking about him as I approached OSV and he stopped right when I hit the same villa (2 golds in OZ for gun shooting). Passionfruit coming in fast these days. Calendar from Newsy ($US24.50 for postage!!!).
2023 T - Fellow pruned all the trees and bushes away from fence. Over to 34OC before rain to try to get mower to start. It didn't so I brought it home and began tearing it apart.
2025 F - Sold the sunroom sofa for $150 to a lady in Christchurch. Inverter is rusting and will be inspected by an expert. I was doing the stairs (20) when ER lady and what I thought was a St John's lady came out of floor 300. ER asked me what I was doing. I explained. She didn't want me to do it as I might fall and no one would know that I was there. Some discussion about using an alarm button StJ told me to roll down to a landing crawl to the door and bang on it. When I was on my way to the pool (14), I ran into StJ, Susie, who apologized. I said that the ER lady was just doing her job and if I thought that I couldn't do it I wouldn't try. She told me that she was the Ocean Shores Wellness Manager and the ER lady's boss and that I can do the stairs whenever I like.
30th Back to Top Feb 1st