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1967 |
Tom, Dan, Jan, Gail and I went to Sweden House for lunch. [ed. - new concept, a "smorgasboard" where you can go back and get as much food as you like for $1.39]. |
1968 |
Les and Judy with baby, Michael; and "Rusty" (Carlton Nelson) over for poker. I was the big winner. |
1969 |
Uncle Jerry (who had been in Cities at training course) brought me and Chris back to his farm where we camped and shot off firecrackers with Steve and Mark. Couldn't sleep because of the heat and mosquitos. photo |
1972 |
Checked out of Rakiraki Hotel and took bus to Suva. It broke down and we had to wait about an hour or so for a second one to continue the journey. We got to Suva at 3PM. So we dropped our belongings off with Ratu Jale and did a quick shop before going to
South Seas Hotel only to be put in a prison cell on the ground floor out back (it was cheap). I assumed that we would get one of the nice ones with a veranda and view of bay. We played pool until told to stop. |
1983 |
M - Tobler (Australia) called me at work just to talk. Watched Miss New Zealand win Miss Universe (I liked Miss Switzerland). |
1988 |
OZ trip: Sydney Go to Trip Report |
1991 |
Lovely long drive through Tarawera Forest on a beautiful smooth clay road. Short walk (video) to Tarawera Falls (video). Area filled with boulders and paths to explore around the falls pool (ging out). Had a
Bellbird come right down to us at the parking lot (video). Went back to the motel to return a deck of cards that Gail accidently took.
Stopped at Rotorua for a wander around the shops. |
1997 |
F - Day 4 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal. |
2001 |
Went bowling with Trish and boys. Our David finally getting control of his ball and scored his all-time high (178) and beat me in both games for the first time ever. Ne did well until her arm gave out. Both James and DA prefer to drop or toss the
ball - couldn't get them to bend their knees. Had birthday cake there and exchanged gifts. |
2022 |
M - Got to hospital at 3:20PM and Gail arrived back from her pacemaker operation about 10 minutes later. Totally worn out so I only stayed for an hour. Hit rush hour traffic in the rain and it took me 70 minutes to get home. Listened to the Twins beat White Sox in 10 innings thanks to a triple play, while painting a portrait. |
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12th |