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1976 |
Walked to school with Lloyd. 3U turned in polyhedra. Janet Hooper had a 4ft high cylinder. Gail bought a headboard and a grapefruit tree. |
1977 |
Gail went to Auckland to get her passport renewed and discovered a McDonald's in a former bank building on Queens street! |
1982 |
T - Dropped David off at Rose of Sharon for his game then back home for Chuck and Inez. Showed them the yard and had a meal.
Then we watched the end of David's baseball game and supplied the team with its post-game pop. Dessert and tales of Chuck's women problems on fishing trips. |
1983 |
W - Gave Lundholms gifts (shreded money for pastor Dave, wild rice for Linda, jeep for John and paua shell necklace for Diane. Left at 9AM.
Long stretch of prairie. Filled up at Faith, SD. Over a hill and there was Bear Butte. I wanted to climb it (4422') but Gail said we couldn't stop, so we just drove around the newly created state park.
Disappointed with Deadwood, SD which is more of a tourist trap than an old time town. David bought a blue rock and Ne got a hunting knife. Ate at Bodega Cafe [closed in 1994].
David panned for gold at Bobtail Placer Mine. Got lost in Rapid City (or "Rabbit" City as Ne calls it). Got to Custer State Park at 6PM and it was a long drive to Blue Bell lodge where we set up the tents.
Had supper and a ranger came to collect fee ($6/night) and gave us firewood. Joined other families at 9PM to watch a movie outdoors about trout. |
1985 |
Sa - Met the corner shack owner, Tom, and he explained that he had bought it 10 years ago and is now putting units onto it. Mrs. Fisher from across the road also came over to say "hi". Returned Morris' trailer and gave him a bag of candy bananas. |
1990 |
Gail and I went to Clark's at 9PM. Gave Mike our US map puzzle (he is memorizing the states) and a Mad for his birthday.
Had a Leasingham Shiraz Cabernet while watching "Married With Children" and a Villa Maria '87 CabSav with Monty Python. When Sandy woke she engaged me in a conversation about my job and management skills. |
1997 |
Sa - Brought Veronica, Jackie and Ian to Awhitu where she scaled the cliff. Whites for Chinese Checkers while watching Warriors game. |
2001 |
Brundell came by with meat pies and bananas for lunch and spent the afternoon here catching up on his collapsing work-world. I was too rotten to do anything all day but pulled myself together to go to Howick. Ian had just sprayed
his car to get rid of musty smell - why, Lord? We picked up Jerry in Papakura. Was a fun TP. We followed Mike home (last time Ian ended up following the wrong car) so this time we stayed close. |
2003 |
Gail and Ne went to Albany to get nine year old Bonnie - a chubby black not-so miniature poodle. Steve came and we spent 5 hours finishing off the Windows Advisor CD project. Celebrated with an excellent '95 Tyrrell Shiraz. |
2006 |
Up at 8:20AM to get ready for TK's arrival at 10:45AM. Well, TK got lost and finally made contact around noon from Caltex by New World. So I drove in and we went to Rosli's Cafe for lunch where Gail joined us there. Brought TK home and we continued our marathon gabfest until 4PM. She has many interesting stories and is quite animated in their telling. |
2012 |
F - Kumar's who said the wound is looking good and that the tumor was benign. United Video at Fraser Cove to stock up on many candy bars and a Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch cereal. Briscoes to get a ZIP coffee maker. Papamoa Warehouse to get a 19" TV.
Russell called to check up on me. |
2017 |
Th - Gail and I left at Noon and with a quick stop to fill a tire we made it Bev's at 3PM. Ann H and Irene already there. New carpet still smelled "new". We played TTR-Eu, had minestrone soup and cakes. Played Kingdom Builder with Russell joining in. When Ann E arrived we played Trivial Pursuit with Miss X floating.
The usual banter and great fun. We left at 9:30PM, had to do a detour at MCC and filled up at Matatmata. Great run of no traffic made it home at 12:20PM. |
2023 |
Th - 34OC where Dominator fellow said the wall switch was faulty causing the garage door to reopen. He did a maintenance job and reset it so it doesn't slam shut. I bought two openers so we each can have one ($249). Scythe and I won big time.
Listened to the Twins 7 - Brewers 5 on Correa walk-off homer. |
2024 |
Sa - Gail being held in hospital for another night. Russell and I are on our way to the stadium and around Manukau he realizes that he didn't have his pass. Call Peter about it. We went to the Members window and explained that his seat was next to mine and we were able to say that the passes were under Peter's name and he was given a substitute. So, of course, I told the Ken and Beavden about it he got a lot of kidding throughout. While at the Members, Nikau spoke to Russell. He was there with Stephen Kearney bringing in a group of 20 lucky fellows. Warriors weren't that lucky losing to Storm 38 - 24 due to a very biased ref who sent off two Warriors and had dodgy calls, two of which were challenged succesfully. Some of the Warriors players do a hop just before reaching the defensive line. Russell calls it a "Roadrunner" after the cartoon character. I counted 5 of them. Very easy drive back with no traffic coming or going and I got home at 1:15AM. |
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16th |