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22nd 23rd 24th
1961 High = 72°F. Went to Twins-Yankee game with Nancy and Kathy, college girls who worked with mom at Perkins Pancake House. We were in the left field side bleachers to watch the Twins win 4 - 0.
1972 After school the Lawaki school committee presented dalo to QVS and we gave them tabuas, grog and school journals. Yaqona session on the Rewa rara for half an hour.
1979 Sa - Sanders for supper and a good Selaks '79 dry white.
1980 M - Looked at a house to rent ($350/mo) by Minnehaha, close to Brown Institute. Towns for the night.
1981 T - Cathy Reis gave me a tape of the White Sidewalls album. David stayed up until 10:40PM reading books waiting for us to put him to bed.
1982 W - Company picnic at Como Zoo with Dieffenbachs (and Linda's sister Amy and husband Jay). Ice cream and rides. David chose the tame ones and I went on the rollercoaster with Ne. KFC for lunch on the grass. Walked around the animals and liked the Kodiak bears best. Back to picnic and long line for pop. Hung around for prize drawing. Eliason won a crock pot. Merry-Go-Round then walked along creek and through the conservatory.
1983 Th - Went to MGM with David. Pointed out the sign on the door said "under 19 not allowed" and he stayed out until clerk motioned him to come in. Got a gin and wine cask. Gail got Sugar from Mom.
1988 Brought Cabbie to kennels. Afternoon packing. Kathy, Vicki and Fran came by to say "bon voyage". Benson's where Mary had a meal waiting for us even though she and Owen were off to Rosehill for a PICOT meeting [ed. - Education Report]. When we arrived in our Toyota van we were met by Bruce and I said: "Wanna buy a van Brucie?" which is a commercial on TV. He said don't do it again, and he meant it. Peter off to States to watch midget car racing. On way to the van neighbor's pit bull bit me on the leg. Brought the van to Aldies for storage. (video)
1997 M - Up at 4:45AM to bring Ve to airport and a tearful goodbye (off to OZ). She gave me a card, tape and photos of Brasil. David's first day at Rosehill as a computer technician.
2001 Went with Ian to inspect the Campbell St house (across the road from us) with Beryl Sellwood. Susi, Jackie and Ian over for a late curry meal. We played "That Game"! The Guiness Book of Records game that Ian had given to me but I gave back.  Typical questions include: How old was the largest box honeysuckle bush (it covered 100 acres and was 13,000 years), which country first numbered houses in 1463 (France) and what is the circumferance of the largest spider web (ans. 5.73m). Gave Ian his gifts with cake and ice icream. I think he really liked the metal detector. Drove them home to avoid any problems with police, seeing as how there had been a blitz last night and Matthew got stung for driving after 10PM.
2002 Day 2 of our Moab trip finds us in Utah.
2004 Ne drove me to Pukekohe to see Dr Justin Mora who says my eyes are perfect as far as old-age illnesses and that I don't need glasses to drive. email from Jackie with the tajar story. Ian over for an Australian Golden Gate Asti Spumante and gave him the bamboo painting done by Steph.
2007 Ian came to see slides of our 1988 OZ trip. When Susi arrived we played bridge - men vs women split two rubbers. Had a Wolf Blass '04 Merlot.
2009 T - Whites over for a couple rubbers of bridge. Gave Ian a photo CD and fancy corkscrew for his bday. We used it to open a Farnese 2007 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo.
2017 F - Left for Papakura at 2PM, going through the gorge in rain all the way. It is 5 Km shorter than Kaimais, but took 15 minutes longer due to having 4 towns to go through. Russell has a conditional offer on his place. Almost an accident on motorway when I changed lanes. No Peter for the first time ever according to others. Spoke to James who has a 5 year job building and installing solar panels - so won't be seeing him ever again? Under 20s rolled over Bulldogs. I bought kebab wraps from Kebabs on Queen. 6 small donuts for $7!!!! Big boys won their game with the usual bad plays and calls, but then BDs aren't very good, eh? (highlights). Foggy ride back and drizzle/rain in Kaimais to home.
2018 Sa - Russell had a horse running here and he stopped in for a visit. Finished reading The Business of Dying.
2020 T - Began my 60 minute (first time in Warriors baseball cap) walk with Pete. Russell called to talk about Kearney being fired. Watched winless Carlton build a 42 point against Geelong at the start of the 4th quarter only hang on for a 2 point win (highlights).
2023 F - Brought Colt in for WOF (needed a tire) and service at AA. New World where again they didn't use my earned dollars. Laptop came. Windows 11 won't let me install AVG. Kathy and Mike arrived at 5:30PM, having gone through the toll road. So it was an evening of catching up. Chicken dinner with affogatos for dessert (first for them). Apparently, Kathy is doing ballet. Mike spends all his time taking care of his mother. Watched Warriors beat Dragons 48 - 18 (highlights
2024 Su - email to Angi. Watched Fractured Flickers. email from Smithers. Sold "Kingdoms". Watched Blues (2nd) 96 - Bombers (3rd) 70 and Lions 126 - Saints 106. Watched Southpaw.
22nd Back to Top 24th