16th |
17th |
18th |
1971 |
Woody bought copper tubing so he could complete his homemade hotwater heater that goes to the shower. Dinner at Breezes and we looked at home movies. |
1972 |
Suva with Murphy. Ran into Van Loan who is now married to Joe Gibson's niece. Immigration told me that Gail doesn't a special visa.
Watched Papau-New Guinea dancers at Sukuna Park and a Tongan ukelele player at M-Hs. Got groceries and tried to book in for honeymoon only to find out that all the nice places were full.
Letter from Kelera - they have a gold fish named "Malecek". |
1974 |
Y basketball practice. Alfred came back with me for a beer and billiards. Simon brought us all over to his place. Scrabble which ended with Alfred winning. |
1975 |
After a beautiful meal of ota (fern tips) and lobster we had a marathon of bridge until 1:30AM with Unger. |
 Mela |
1979 |
Th - Kathy brought over boxes of food, chickens and peas for our freezer. Petrol went up 35¢/gal (now at $1.74). 20% tax of large items and 10% on small. |
1980 |
Sa - Drove to Belle Plain for a picnic at Prairie Park and check out dad's farmland. Mom came home at 6:45PM with bags of frozen goods going cheap at Zayre. So we shot out there and got more. Three minutes after I paid for the groceries they announced 2 for 1 with 30% off on top of it. So we filled another cart.
But the checker gave my first bag to someone else, so I got my money back and went off for a third go. |
1985 |
F - Alan showed up at my desk at 8:55AM and asked if I am ready for the meeting - he had told me it would be next week. So Ian McKim and his boss, Dave (an American), Alan and I hashed out IC policy. Ian and I spent two hours going over point by point changes. [ed. - NZS had paid $4,000 for Ian to produce a report
on how to set up an IC and all he did was copy something he got from IBM, woefully out of date and completely wrong]. Later he admitted that he wrote it up exactly the way Varney wanted it. Expensive "Yes Man".
[I had told Varney that whoever wrote up the report knew nothing about Info Centers]. |
1986 |
Sa - Smithers came at 4PM. Played Trivial Pursuit until 10:30PM. |
1988 |
Barry Dunn spent day at the mill - he was suppose to be with Ian for the morning. No Ian, so I had him sit in on Mike's visit and sent him to deliver a LaserJet to Steve. Brought Barry to lunch then handed him over to Dillon for the afternoon. |
1995 |
Gail and I went to a bach up Awhitu that Ian has for a few days. Played Guiness Book Of Records after lunch. Walked along shore, over a hill and back (shags and more shags). Susi netted a large flounder, which she cooked for supper.
Played 500 and Upwords. We left at 9PM. |
2002 |
Ne called: car leaking brake fluid and Chardy ill. Bought a Coleman tent and sleeping bag at Target and groceries at
Basha's. Shranko's to watch first half of the Twins - Yankees game. Joyce made bean enchiladas for supper. |
2003 |
Audrey having problems with printer so I went over. After a gin and tonic I came home with a large bag of yellow tamarillos (tree tomato until 1967 when NZ invented the tropical sounding name "tamarillo" to market it). |
2009 |
Ross up for cancer treatment and joined us at the Warriors, so I went with Ann to the stadium and sat by herself a couple rows down. Jrs beat Cowboys 40 - 16. Smashproof hip hopped and then the big boys lost 12 - 34 in a pitiful performance. Luckily, we didn't have to ride back with Russell.
Couldn't recognize the players as they had all shaved their heads for a cancer cause. |
2015 |
Su - Listened to the Twins13 - A's 0. Eddie Rosario hit a homer on his first MLB pitch (video).
Watched Warriors beat Eels in overtime (highlights). |
2023 |
W - 85 minute walk to Concord. Pruned. AFL: Tigers 104 - Eagles 58. Then Crows led the whole game only to lose 59 - 58 in the last minute to Bombers. Watched Britain's Got Talent Ultimate Magician episode (The Witch). |
16th |
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18th |