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17th 18th 19th
1974 Brenda and Richard Proudfoot over for billiards.
1975 Typical Fiji breakfast of Pacific crackers and tea. Taped our bridge game. Ian and I lost 3 rubbers to the women. Taped Iowana. Looked at Ian's mountain climbing slides, with Sefania and Uca.
Susi - Doug

Su - Iowana
1985 Sa - Drove to Stern's bach on Matheson Bay in Leigh - Harbour Bridge was covered in fog. Kids were out fishing with Fran and Simon but came in early when David got ill. Yesterday Simon had to cut an anchor in the bay. So today when we saw divers we asked them to look for it and they found it. Walked along coast (slate cliffs) and waterfalls. Fran taught Ne how to knit. Taught Breezes how to play Hearts.

1995 New radiator for van ($385). JC Croucher Motors didn't take Visa so I gave him all the cash I had. Then radiator guy destroyed my card in his machine. Doug over for RnR TP.
2003 Couple of fantails in the loft woke me this morning. Graeme, Doug and Marcia stopped in for coffee after biking at the forest. Showed Graeme (drove a nail into a 400V line on current job) what we wanted done and he will be doing the loft first. Ian (wearing matching socks) biked over for a visit.
2011 W - Steve removed a big lump from my back while we spoke about religion and the world.
2016 W - Clayton over at 3PM with Kate from London. After a visit we played Formula D, Chinese Checkers and Survivor.
2018 F - I crashed when David arrived. Up for Turkish. Then a long game of Terraforming. Watched Warriors beat Eels 26 - 12.
2020 M - Day 5 of Level 2. Gail won Terraforming for the 5th time tying her high score of 111. Our free Samsung refrigerator was delivered and I set it up in front corner of the garage.
17th Back to Top 19th