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1971 Suva with Breezes. Taylor's for lunch and Simon fixed their tape recorder.
1974 Kathy drove us out to Porchester where Mike has his shop. Saw his display room and got a photo of him adzing. Bill and Paul stopped in on their way to Thames. He dropped off my book, 6 blank tapes and 2 Billboards, which kept me busy all night.
1978 F - Meal in Benson's new extension. Te made a crane with their erector set.
1985 Su - Left Leigh at 11AM. Stopped in Walkworth and while Gail bought a pottery pitcher the kids and I checked out the ducks and waterfall. Got to hot pools at Waiwera just in time to get in one free slide. Good fun. Cost us $15 to get in then slides are $2 for 2 hour session. We soaked in a hot pool then moved to the swimming one. Tried the indoor pool for a short time. Kids spent a lot of time on a kids' slide. We ate our lunch at picnic table. Just as were leaving at 2:30PM, Breezes showed up with two mice that they had bought for Chris.
1986 After work I went with Anil to look at a unit across from fire station. Friendly Mr Joebs showed us around. Peggy dropped us off at home and Anil stayed for a meal. Over which he seemed to preside. We figured out what else he might need for setting up. I brought him to his motel ($40/night).
1993 Manukau City to have our re-entry visas transferred to new passports. Lunch at Valentine's. First time in a fancy restuarant for Matthew and he ate everything. (Matthew says: "Haha, I remember that quite vividly. David was being mean to an old waiter by waiting till he cleared the plates and then putting some ones he'd hidden on the chair onto the table for him to clear again. I felt so sorry for him").
1994 Huia with Ian, Jackie and Matthew. From the lookout we could see the Manukau South Head, Orua bay and Big Bay. Matt had us folding large leaves and lofting them into the breeze. Water level was way down at the Lower Huia Dam. Lunch in Karamatura Valley by the stream with 20 ducks and a pestering finch. Spotted a pair of lorikeets. Walked to the "Tom Thumb" kauri, which has a thumb. Parakai Springs where lady gave us a break and let us pay as one family. Outdoor pools were rather cool, so we moved to the indoor hot one. Matthew, Ian and I did the slides. Back to pool until supper which we bought there. Had a great BLT. Back into pool until 8PM when we left.
Tom Thumb

1995 Logged on and used School's Network for the first time INTERNET!
2009 Brought Gail to Super Clinic. No good news - cast stays on and now they are saying a bone graft for the arm too if bones don't heal in next 6 weeks. Snow Harris and mate delivered Elaine's dinnette set and 2 Lazy Boys (they smell, eh?).
2011 Th - Steve changed dressing on my back and he says the 7cm wound is weeping and my PSA is high so I will see a urologist.
2012 Sa - Clarks showed up and stayed for a takeaway meal fueled by a fruity Spy Valley '09 Pinto Noir. Sandy has a Dust opening tomorrow so they left at 7:30PM.
2016 Th - David arrived at 4:30PM. Curry takeaway meal, then Roll For the Galaxy, affagatos and Alien Frontiers.
2018 Sa - Played the new RISK version - David wiped out by Gail. Barrio Brothers takeaway for supper. Played latest Concordia map, Gallia. Brumbleberry pie. Then David and I played a couple games of Dog Fight.
2019 Su - Ordered Reminiscing board game for Ian. Colleen called - told us the story of Bev ending up in Middlemore with ecoli.
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