12th |
13th |
14th |
1969 |
Hawaii: Details in Peace Corps Journal. |
1970 |
Suva with Breezes. We ate at Nanking and went to the Suva Yacht Club where we ran into Bryce Taylor so over to his place where we talked about the cheating on Fiji Junior. |
1976 |
Speech Therapist Gala on Jocelyn's Pukeware farm with Rebecca Sinclair. Aldies were wearing "I support Speech Therapists" tee shirts.
A hovercraft zooming over a paddock. David thought first it was a lawnmower and then decided it was a boat. Local Pony Club, Cub Scouts and a Maori group from St Stephens put on
displays. Saw sheep being sheared and had a hayride behind a tractor. |
1980 |
Th - Aldies went to Mom's for lunch, stopping in at Eloise Butler. After supper Doug and I went to the Wax Museum on University to buy albums. |
1982 |
Sa - Streets are iced and I slid right past our driveway. Tried to shovel it off but the ice is solid. |
1986 |
Th - Home to find our first VCR, a JVC ($895 - more than the TV cost). Gail got it at Arthur Nathans. |
1988 |
Santa parade we brought David and his big drum in - dropped him off at Farmer's carpark. Followed the band to Customs street
where we found an excellent spot on a ramp. The Papakura Brass Band played at three spots on Customs St (video) and disbursed when the parade began. Very good parade - colorful and classy. Santa arrived at Farmer's, made a speech and balloons were let loose. More Photos and video.
Ran into the Rams who have been in NZ for a year living with Doli's sister. |
1990 |
NZS - Configuration sheet shows how weak computers were back then. |
2000 |
M - Gail and I went to Brundell's for supper (excellent Villa Maria '00 Riesling) and he gave us a vanload of plants. |
2001 |
Brundell over for a cuppa. Berthe visited and told us about her wicked Saturday night with her drunken sons who were up for the
V8 races at Pukekohe. Related her got-a-job-don't-got-a-job at the nursing home. She also put a plastic lotus flower into our fish pond. |
2005 |
Watched The Quiet American and The Closer You Get. |
2006 |
Brundell called - suicidal, so I went over for a couple hours and we worked on his computers. Stopped at BP and a woman was giving the Iraqi clerk an earful over Saddam and the Republicans loss of power in US this week. |
2014 |
Th - Ian brought me to the hospital where Peter Gilling couldn't get a thin catheter into my bladder for the pressure test. Watched Amedeus with Ian. Had an excellent Seifried 2012 Syrah. Then it was Smallworld and Dominion. |
12th |
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14th |