5th |
6th |
7th |
1969 |
Hawaii. Details in Peace Corps Journal. |
1977 |
Su - Helped Doug set up his new surgery and I was his first patient - cleaned my teeth. |
1979 |
T - I had Dulcify in Melbourne Cup and the horse broke down and had to be shot. Just my luck. |
1981 |
F - Watched Holmes
- Snipes fight. Holmes won. Snipes went after him after the bout (highlights). |
1985 |
Rose gave me a bottle of her pickles - with horseradish leaf to keep them crisp. |
1991 |
Stopped at Baskin-Robbins to get a pumpkin ice cream sundae.
Walked to water tank for last time. Called mom to say goodbye.
Brought Joyce to Prescott Country Club for supper. Great zucchini sticks and scampi. Jan Towne called to say she was interested in my Apple IIc. |
1992 |
Ran into Eric Jerkovich at Warehouse. He is bitter that Rosehill doesn't invite him to Prizegiving - nor consult with him on who gets the Jerkovich memorial prize. So I invited him to
come as my guest this year. |
1993 |
To Aldies when David got home from work. Whites and Bickertons there for a bonfire that wouldn't burn (heavy rain in afternoon) and fireworks until the rain sent us in. Much ado over the fact that Doug ate the whole banana cake that Irene brought. |
2011 |
Su - We had Colleen over for a meal with a sweet McGuigan '10 merlot. |
2012 |
T - Bev and Colleen arrived to marvel at the size of our villa. Colleen and Dave have been looking at villages in OZ. Went around the village having chats with Sandy and Maree (snuck into her office to show Gail them the carpet we chose but didn't get).
They continued to the beach. Since B&C are on strict diets they provided their meal. After which they taught us Carassonne.
We taught them Upwords. |
5th |
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7th |