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1966 |
Newstroms visit. Steve, Chris and I played cards. |
1969 |
Hawaii: Dewali. Details in Peace Corps Journal. |
1971 |
Got my Fijian driver's license - simply show my Minnesota one and paid $6 [ed. - never actually drove in Fiji, as PC frowned upon it]. |
1985 |
Sa - High = 21°C. Maraetai Beach for 2 hours of laying in the sun. Kids played a little and Gail went in for a swim. Entertained for an hour by a group who tried to get a windsurfer going. Also had paragliding outfit next to us. Large islander group had a barbcue party complete with balloons in the trees. But the highlight was the topless women - what has happened to our "family" beach. |
1989 |
Taped Jeff Griffin on Blind Date and Danielle Cormack didn't choose him (see it). |
1991 |
Reached Auckland at noon, 4 hours late. No trouble getting through Customs. Kids were waiting for me and Gail was in the van. Yard overgrown - everything so green. Ian dropped in for coffee. Unpacked and handed out gifts. Sanders and dog showed up. Posters: triple one from Aldies, witches from David
and home team one. Card from Trish upset that I only wrote once. |
1994 |
Computer meeting in B2 where the exhaust fan is too noisy to use, power points installed incorrectly and no storage cupboards. Des thanked me for my hard work. I said that I thought this year has been easier. He said because I have gotten used to the way things are done. I said because I have trained everyone into
how I do things. |
2008 |
Called Joyce and Jacqui B. Ian brought me to the Cock and Bull at noon for our TP gathering. I had Thai chicken curry. Whitcoull's where Irene bought two books for Gail and Ann H used her employee discount for them.
Muffin Break. Ian and I had extremely rich tiramisu. Mike got the cheapest drink, Espresso at $3, and didn't know what it was. So he a bit upset to get so little in a small cup.
Got Gail pajamas at Farmers. When we got to Middlemore we found her at the end of the corridor by the window in her wheelchair, chatting with Jacqui B. We left when supper arrived. Over to Pukekohe and first time for me at Steve's place which is a fantastic. |
2014 |
Su - Russell arrived with newspapers. He beat me in three games of petanque. After lasagna he proceeded to skunk me and Gail. Then it was a few games of Survive. |
2016 |
W - Did a 80 minute walk - down and up beach accesses. Ocean calm and saw paddle boarders. First time doing stairs at Bayfair.
Trump became president so I opened a Jim Barry 2013 CabSav that was about as harsh as the Donald. |
2023 |
Th - Gardener did the bushes and as predicted he stomped down my goosebery plant despite it have two poles marking it off. 80 minute walk to Pacific View. Saw two "Trailer Hitch Guys" vans and neither had a hitch. David arrived and sure enough so did the rain. We taught him "Arkopolis" and "Cascadia" with a fish supper and a pumpkin pie that had phoney sweetener, so I didn't get any. |
8th |
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10th |