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1965 |
Took Barb Jensen to see "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" which cost $5.30. Its her birthday. [ed. - I took Signe to see it last year for her birthday, in fact the movie played at the Cooper for over 3 years - and yes it is one of my favorite films].
(view trailer) |
1969 |
Peace Corps staging in San Jose - Details in Peace Corps Journal. |
1970 |
Staff boat race for the coveted Malecek Cup.
I was the official time keeper. Staggered start QVS to Nukulevu and back. Hayson chugged off first, Atmore/Heasley next with a big cheer from the boys. Then Breeze went streaking past. Poor McDougall's engine died. Dick drove me up to the house to get my jacket and Breeze
was on his way in before we got back. Atmore next, Hayson chugging along with JMc like a bat out of hell to cross the line at the same instant. Boys went crazy. Breeze's for a hot shower and calculated the adjusted times. Presented a bottle of champagne to Hayson.
Big surprize as everyone thought Atmore had won. Murray and I had supper at McDougall's. |
1971 |
Mike Gawel visited with Ollie and we went to Hargrove's to talk shells and diving. |
1974 |
Packet of Fritos, dips and Tootsie Rolls from Hoffsis - air mail = $8.20! Gail scored her first basketball goal for Leeds in their first win. COBS beat Panthers 24 - 12. |
1987 |
Gail and Whites to garage sales - $10 TV, $35 bike and ride-ons for the little ones. Volleyball and it was fun. Took Ian and Susi to Hungry Horse to enjoy some time without kids (brought McDonalds for them). |
1991 |
Walked to Watson Lake Park and climbed straight up onto the rocks. Thumb Butte - Granite Mountain.
Ended up going up and down five fingers each higher than the previous one before coming down onto the dam. Worked my way across the dam but too tired to go up the other side, so I headed back. A three hour hike. We went to Collins for cards. |
1996 |
Th - Doug over for RnR Scattergories. Steven Munro came to get me and so we went with him to his aunt Ruth's (next to Fornusek) where his grandmother was with the three foot high papier mache Goofy she had made me.
She brought it via bus from Tauranga and we joked about her having to pay for his seat on it. Doug ended up playing guitar and we had a sing-song evening. He knew Ruth and her part-Fijian daughter, Olivia). |
2005 |
Watched Brian McDonnell win $AU125,000 on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire
after using all his lifelines on Lena Lovich's "Lucky Number". |
2009 |
Sa - "Over 50" Expo with Ann and Russell at ASB Showgrounds. About 50 exhibitors. Ran into Eric Dillon who was selling a vibrating chair. Organized to have roof joins covered by Gavin who lives on Colombo. |
2011 |
M - Up at 9AM to move car for the arrival of movers (Eddie, a funny Moari). By 12:30PM they had the truck cleared and moved the china cabinet in from sunroom. So was now unpacking. Janet welcomed us with home made cookies.
Also met Jill, next door, and Heather across the road. We went to Colleen's for whiskey and wasabi rice crackers before a meal with a good Matua '09 Pinot Noir. Told us about a friend's son who witnessed a murder in L.A. with gunman pointing gun at him [ed - turned out to be a big lie to cover his gambling addiction]. |
2014 |
F - Breakfast with Ian and he left just as Anna arrived for the Scrabble game. She gave us the UK Trivial Pursuit Genus. Opened a superb Coonawarra 2010 Carbernet Sauvignon to celebrate our third anniversary at OSV. |
2017 |
T - Clayton and I played petanque on the beach and I was scorching hot (even left handed). Love the fact that you don't get weird bounces as on the old court at the village.
Also had a long talk about his latest problems with Sigita. |
2018 |
W - Up at 7AM (stubbed toe yesterday and it throbbed all night). Longest walk to date: 130 minutes (along beach and then to Golf Rd). |
2020 |
Sa - Had a Vidal 2018 Syrah to celebrate 9th anniversary of moving to the Mount. |
2022 |
M - 90 minute walk to Pacific View. Listened to the Twins - Royals while finishing Robyn's portrait. |
2024 |
Th - Brought Platz plates in to deregister it. Lovely Abby at Bay Audiology replaced the tube on the right hearing aid and hopefully it is fixed (for $0). 34OC where I walked Lili for the first time - she is interested to smelling everything. Gym and pool (12) - ran into Irene after a few months. |
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18th |