Back to Months
25th 26th 27th
1969 Hawaii: surfing - Details in Peace Corps Journal.
1973 Won a $10 Go-Gas voucher from 1ZM (no car, eh?).
1978 Th - Got our very first credit cards [ed - rarely used them back then].
1985 Sa - Auckland - failed to find Victoria Park Market, so we walked to Cook Street Market which was a big bust. Long walk down Queen Street hitting tourist shops looking for gifts. Lunch at Hungry Horse. Aldersons for home movies and slides and a lovely Wohnsiedler Muller Thurgau by Montana Wines.
1998 M - Nick and Christine dropped in for a tour and visit. I went into the pool for my first "swim".
2008 3 hours on the phone telling everyone about the accident. Got into the hospital at 2:30PM and found the Whites there and Jason Montgomery, who was in the first car that Gail almost hit and was the first to help her. Turned out that his wife teaches Kelcie. I was with Gail for 90 minutes and she was in good shape. Apparently, only a couple things fixed last night and she has further operations tomorrow. I was called by a tearful Ne who said she had to put Bonnie down. So I had to shoot home.
ex Jason
2023 Th - Straight over to relieve Gail who had been at 34OC since 7:30AM. Reason - high pressure hot water cylinder being put in. They (Andrew and Ethan) finished the job by 1:30PM and the sparkie, Will, got it going. His apprentice, Albert, was on his first day. Had to call them back as kitchen mixer clunks when putting hot water off. They removed and old pipe to dishwasher, but no help. I managed to score the copper and brass for recycling.
25th Back to Top 27th