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26th 27th 28th
1969 Hawaii: Peace Corps training. Details in Peace Corps Journal.
1971 Phil came up to tell me that no one over 125 will be drafted. That means I am safe. Down to Whites where Susi and I were trounced at bridge.
1984 Sa - We made up Ne as a clown with bits and pieces from around the house. She and David (cowboy) went in the five city parade and Ne won 1st place. Most people thought she was a professional clown there to entertain the kids. Ne was given a big trophy.
1993 Adventist Hospital for my knee operation (medial meniscectomy). Wise guy Anaesthetist, Joe Petoe and my nurse was Sally McGregor. I was quite groggy afterward and didn't want to wake up; but Sally kept pinching my toe and forced me to get out the hospital after a cup of tea. Big wad of dressing around my knee and I was lucky to get my pants back on. Less than 5 hours there.
1995 Paid Broadcasting Fee ($110/yr). South Auckland Computers for their 8th birthday (invitation). Eric Dillon was there (mill laying off 600). Had a glass of wine and some food and a button.
2002 Harlan and Nancy stopped in to invite us over tomorrow. Chris and Celia came over and went for a walk with Dad. Chris bought a Turner flamingo mirror (copy of one mom owned) on ebay. Went to Mandarin Buffett. Angi called and talked to everyone.
2008 Su - Ne and I brought Bonnie into vet in Pukekohe and decided to put her down when told she had liver cancer. Middlemore. Parked across the tracks, got to the ward at 2PM and Gail hadn't returned from op theater. I read until about 3PM when Domi and Brad stopped in on way back from Katikati. Gail showed up at 4PM. She was wide awake - turns out that she was out of theater at 1PM and it took three hours to get back to her room. That should be the last of the operations.
26th Back to Top 28th