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8th | 9th | 10th |
1970 | Jo's in the morning for a practice and got stuck in to the port that Sigston had bought for an Independence Day toast. Epeli joined us and he and Joe told us of their exploits at uni in Christchurch (hydrogen bomb float - Jo driving a car into Avon river - Jo directing traffic). On way home we stopped in and bothered Dick. When I got home I heaved for an hour and passed out in the shower and slept until 5PM. In the meantime David and Jo had kept drinking ho I went to Whites and they taught me bridge. | ![]() Jo |
1971 | Up at 5AM and out for Suva-to-Levuka race on Breeze's catamaran. Started at 6:39AM, kept getting clogged with weeds in the river and I think every boat in the race passed us. It was my job to note time and boat that passed us or that we passed. We didn't passed any. Once we got around Toberua Island the gas line clogged. When Simon cleared it and tried to start the engine, the cord ripped. We drifted dangerously close to a reef. So it was man the sails and we managed to move along the north coast of Ovalau at a good clip because of a storm blowing in. We arrived at 5:30PM and finished last. Since we were so much later than the other boats, Kelera's parents gave up waiting for us. After supper on the boat we went ashore to the Royal Hotel where we ran into Lance, Mike G and Andy Basenburg. Ratu Edward Cakabau gave out the awards and we got one for being last. We all got pretty soused. Fran and I rowed us back to the boat in the rain so we also got doused (movie. | ![]() ![]() Naileilei ![]() ![]() ![]() St John's |
1972 | Murphy visited. We sat sipping wine waiting to hear if I won the Radio i's Time contest on the Selwyn Jones Tonight Show. I didn't - lady who had 2084 titles with many duplicates and titles that had nothing to do with time. I got a mention about how I had typed up my entry and had it in alphabetical order. He said that I would get a prize. Listen to it. | |
1977 | Su - Went to Ardmore airfield for Funfair '77. Saw model aircraft flying (line and remote), topdressing display, helicopter, gliders, aerobatics, classic cars, trucks, fire engines, boats and campers. Kids went on a merry-go-round. Left after an hour when the rain came and missed out on races, parachuting. | ![]() |
1981 | F - Bought my first cup of coffee at cafteria (32¢ for a big cup vs 25¢ for a small paper cup from the machine). Curt shouted his promotion and I got a bismark. At 2PM we gathered in training A to surprize McMonigal (30th year at the StPaul party). Cake and cofee. After 30 minutes I told Bob that I would stand at the door and shake hands for him so he could get a coffee. | |
1985 | W - Pukekohe DB Hotel with Grant Spencer where Dave Smith and Freddie treated us to drinks and a lovely meal. Fancy place. Just a friendly chit-chat, without the pressure I expected since they are Burroughs reps and I am the enemy bringing in IBM PC's. | |
1987 | Clark's for a meal, wine (very nice '78 Orlando cab-sav) and Trivial Pursuit. | |
1988 | Whites over for a game of bridge, Ian and Gail winning. Went to the Whitehouse Tavern for a meal. I shouted everyone to new drinks - Fallen Angel, Jack of Clubs, Fluffy Duck and I had a Tequila Sunrise. | |
1992 | Sizzler's with Whites - their first time. Ne wanted to come along so I said it was 'adults only'. She said that we have to take David. So I said 'parents only'. She asked David if he wanted to admit anything. Back home for bridge. | |
1993 | Ne, Gail and I went to Carmel's bach at Maraetai. Went for a walk with Trish and Major. Ping pong with James. Fish and chips. Darts with Ne. Long walk along the beach and then home at 9PM. | |
2003 | Marcia's. Met her brother Phil and his wife Rachel. Lynn and Jon Barrett were there, as was Dougie I and his new wife Jill and a few others. The staff arrived enmasse. Had a bowl of soup inbetween helping compose a listing for the paper and clearing Doug's laptop. Phil and I began putting together a songlist to be used. Helen, Steve and the kids showed up briefly and then went to Trish's. Perry and Kay arrived just as I was leaving. Went to see Trish and the boys - they were just finishing with Sean from Lambert Fountain. Chat with Carmel (Julie has 3 daughters). Graeme had seen me arriving as he left and he came back full of tears and gave me many hugs. Did the rounds to tell people personally. Glass of wine at Smiths and got to hold Fluffy, one of the two guinea pigs. Met Jon's mother, Sheila. Clark's to spend some time with the womenfolk. Tough one, Brundell, who took it very hard. Home at 10PM, told Gail all that I had learned. Ne and I went to Whites and they let me talk until midnight - big shock to Ian as he had no idea that Doug was having problems. | ![]() |
2004 | Marcia, Viv, Graeme and I released Doug's ashes onto the surf at Karioitahi. Lunch at Castaways. | ![]() |
2008 | Called US Embassy in Philippines (told to hit "pound sign"...took me a moment to realize it was "hash") to begin my application for Social Security with Beatrice). | |
2009 | F - Mom passed away at 12:30PM. | |
2010 | Sa - Gail's tumor operation cost $35,000. Over to Mini's to farewell Matthew. A meal and evening of game playing (Dominion for me). Watched video of Matt's jump from the Auckland Harbour bridge. Had a light TeMata '09 Gamay Noir, a good White Cliff '08 pinot noir and a dry Morton Estate '06 Mercure. | |
2012 | T - Walked around Mount with Kathy and Mike followed by an outdoor coffee at Deckchair. Hospice shop where Mike loaded up on Manchester United videos and got a lightweight jacket. Had a Makaraka 2011 SauvBlanc with fish 'n chips. They went to Casino Night where Gail handled the dart throwing. Kathy won a cutting board. Lent Mike my laser light. | ![]() |
2019 | W - Made my first ATM withdrawal. | |
2020 | F - Microwave packed it in after only 3 years. Tried the shields with Burgundy for 1st time (big time scoring), had hot dogs with chips and then played Concordia - Italy. AFL: Cats slaughtered Bombers. | ![]() |
2023 | M - Listened to the Twins 4 - Houston 6 in 1st playoff game. 90 minute walk to Concord. Tried to waterblast concrete from pavers under clothesline and remove the green from fence post. 80 year old man murdered a 78 year old lady in Bayswater. Gym and pool (12). | |
8th | Back to Top | 10th |