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1969 Bowling with Dick, Cheryl and Gail, then we picked up Mary and went to Bridgeman's. Proposed to Gail [ed. - at 3AM so technically on the 12th] across her kitchen table.
1970 Suva with Whites, Domo and Susi's sister Jeneti. PC Office to get my gamma gobulin shot. Ran into Susan G, the Parkers and Paul Sinnot (PC Staff). Had a long chat with Chuck and finally met the director, Jack. There are PCVs from Mpls in Fiji VI. On my way to Desai's I ran into Waqa, Anare R, Savenaca and Jonacani. Ian and I placed a $30 library order. Ran into Murphys at the bank and had lunch with the Kacimaiwais. Went to the market and bartered a masi down from $2 to $1.60. Ran into Meli U, Viliame Dau, Taniela and Mesake. I was reading on a bench when I was joined by Josevata T and we chatted for a while. Then I was joined by Sigston, Peter and Nacanieli N. Went to M-H's to get some food and DIDN'T meet anyone there. Desai's to pick up the books and Jonacani helped me carry them to White's car. M-H's and we ran into Sova, Vic Davis and a talkative chap from NZ. We ate at New Peking where I saw Bill Goodman. Others I ran into were Bill Thomas, the Griffins and Mark. In otherwords, a typical day in Suva.

1972 Miles Chart of Hot 100 by Martin and Daniel Miles book arrived today. A graph for each Top 100 song showing its weekly position.
1982 Sa - Went to Lake Alice in William O'Brien State Park. Played a little football and went for a walk along the river. Had hot dogs kids went swimming. Hot humid day. Pizza for supper and we looked at slides of our Northern trip.
1983 Su - Target where Ne bought a tennis raquet with her birthday money. Tanner Lake for a little tennis and Ne hit the ball over the net once. Frisbee on the beach, which we had to ourselves. Found a 1970 German 10¢ coin.

Taped Janet making burger boats (video). Austin-Tacious - Tom's liquor store (video). Most booze now comes in plastic bottles. They gave me a Texas rosé and I bought a Crantasia. Stopped at Bag 'o Burgers to get lunch. Then The Barber Shop. Bob was doing a fellow who had been in Auckland during WWII (video). Bob gave David a trim (video) until customers arrived. Went to Zilker Park and walked through the lovely water gardens (video). Then Barton Springs - a very large natural swimming hole very cold water which is a rarity in Texas - (photo and video). Tom, Bonnie, Matthew and Robbie came for supper (video). They left Matthew behind and he loved zooming around playing with Grandpa (video). Called Gail and once again Dick's operation was postponed. Video of their cat. video of backyard.

1991 Joyce left on van at 7:45AM when I was woken by Lucky's barking. So I now have the place to myself for a week. Set up my Apple IIC and it works with the TV as monitor. Dark at 6:30PM. Couldn't get the microwave going so it was the oven for the roast beef.
1997 Th - Day 66 of our 3 month journey around the world. Went with Joyce to Prescott Valley and the new center by Walmart. Gail and I went to Thumb Butte Park for a walk in the forest. Called home and found out that plumber replaced element in water heater. Went under Joyce's house to get the box of clothes and stuff that I left in 1991. Played Ad Mania and it was great fun, even Joyce got into it (video). Hoffsis called twice, about hiking, travel plans etc...
2000 M - Changed sign on mail box from "Stoney Creek Farm" to "SC Manor".
2002 Got an early start from Cheyenne. Trip Report.
2012 T - Did a blog in great detail to capture a typical day.
2018 T - Gail used Jazz for the first time and couldn't remember how to start it after Mah Jong (FOB instead of a key).
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