Sept 11, 2012

A Day in the Life of Malley

 Yesterday the New Zealand Herald changed to a smaller taloid version. I thought I should change my online diary to a blog (at least for one day in great detail).

I first woke around 7:30AM and then it was on and off wakefulness in which I had many dream states: Richfield and neighbor lady mowing our back lawn on a ride-on mower, fleeing Arab family and then neighbors in our house, going into attic... as usual, once I wake I don't remember.

BMzip Finally out of bed at 9:55AM as bladder became urgent. Gail all dressed up to go to her Probus Sunshine meeting at 11AM where she won a meat pack. Made a cup of Melitta Blue Mountain coffee in our ZIP brushed metal plunger while watching PAfoPrincess Ann say "all" a lot while addressing the United Kingdom Olympics team (at the end of a big parade with a flyover).

106enlarge Back in my room I open the drapes to let the sun in. Sprinkle a little Daktarin under my little toes, put on my slippers and turn the computer on. Brought in a Twins game (Indians 7 - Twins 6) audio via Chrome browser.

enlarge TBenlarge TV Checked my email on Thunderbird (one from Stephanie) and sent a message to Stephen W that McD calendars are on the way. Then I opened Firefox and check my email at (none), checked out TVNOW listings at NZCITY site
JL Finally Hotmail emails: Warehouse daily deals, Babyboomer newsletter (Jerry Lewis typewriter routine, golf joke...), Countdown specials, and the usual penis enlarger offer.

DBPHClosing Hotmail brings me to the MSN news page - David Bain is engaged, high today will be 15°C with showers and the Taliban threaten to kill Prince Harry in Afghanistan.

enlarge Rush to the toilet at 11:50AM as the coffee filled my bladder. Swallowed a Metformin pill and had breakfast: slice of pineapple and a bowl of muesli. Take an Accupril for my high blood pressure, an aspirin for my heart, a fish oil capsule and a brazil nut for selenium.

Completed digitizing the "T" MalleyGram. 3 minutes brushing my teeth with my Braun Oral B and Colgate "whitening" paste. Game over so I tuned in More FM (Some Nights with its drums by Fun was first song I heard). Had a quick lunch of last night's stew leftovers. Changed into my grubby clothes and out to check the snail mail (none) and bring in the two recycle containers. Swept up leaves and petals from front entry and garage door area. Had cabbage and rice crackers. Did my weekly prune in the chilly wind. Cleaned guest bathroom. We split the cribbage games: I lost 110 - 133 and won 122 - 118.

enlargeMy daily sweet today was a Whitakker's Dark Chocolate Sante 25g bar.

Crashed for 2.5 hours - my body hurting all over but especially left arm where I had a B12 shot yesterday. So I missed Ne and Muppet's visit and chance to play (and lose at) Dominion. I ate left-over soup and the oily veggie patties and chick pea curry that Gail made for supper.

enlargeenlarge  Read The Red Bulletin (Dyson and daVinci articles) and a Weekend (both of which I get from Emery) while we watched The Mentalist (hooker mob hit), Whitney (get a dog) and Parks and Recreation (smallest park in Indiana).

Took an amytrip and Sinemet (both for restless legs) and Lipitor (atorvastatin) for cholesterol. Editted Oct 2nd diary.

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