Back to Months
29th 30th Oct 1st
1960 Nominated for class president - me a complete stranger to every boy in the school. [ed. - I came from public school, whereas, the others went to Catholic grade schools]. Art club - brought in my work to show and we all drew sketches of Jesus. Daddy got a new 1960 Chevy.
1975 Mom arrived in Dawson with a cooler filled with food and her own coffee maker. I finished painting front wall and made supper. Mom also brought a lot of clothes for David. We gave Mom a lesson on bridge.
1984 Su - Went to Town's to meet Dick's brother, Claire, his third wife Jan, daughter Vicki and her friend Donna. Found out about Arizona from them and heard about all their problems with their mansion in Minnetonka.
1989 Aldersons for a "pox" party, David A being inflicted. So we all put on red stickers and labels and went over. Home movies and pool. David A: "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da flat man".
1990 St Mary's netball ceremony and Ne came home with trophy for Outstanding Player of all teams.
1993 Everyone excited to see me when I got to school and I "had" to see Nola Dougall right away... I had won the smaller hamper at the fashion show last night. So I had Gail pick me up after school. Nice $8 wicker basket, bottle of wine, orange juice, pop and food... (around $150 worth). Doug over for Rock Scattegories. Kathy S called to say that she had won the larger basket.
1996 M - David had an interview at Fisher and Paykel. Brought kids to Doug's mother's service (obit). Met Des Troup. Chatted with Maureen and Dick, Wayne and Jeff.
1997 T - Day 85 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal.
2001 Spoke to Dad for a couple hours - getting stories about Serbus vs Malecek. Paul stopped in with a Goofy he picked up in Aberdeen, Scotland and four packets of Czech paprika. He told us about his trip - which consisted of many shots of slivovice (plum brandy).
2010 Th - Up at 9:10AM and out the door to pick Gail up at 10AM from Ascot Hospital. First thing she did once out of the car was to check her seedlings.
2019 M - Listened to the Twins beat Tigers to clinch division championship. They were also the first team to hit 300 home runs in a season.
29th Back to Top Oct 1st