18th December 19, 1969 20th
  Beautiful day at school. Even before classes started I was given a lei from my 7th graders with a kiss from Layana. I wrote my farewell message on board since I couldn't talk. enlargeGave out appraisal forms [ed. - in 80's I tossed most of them but kept a few of the better ones]. Took photos of the classes including Hunt's homeroom class. Had a bet with the 7th grade class boys on the Viking - Ram game and I won, but I gave the autographed Viking team photo that my Mom had given me. [ed - kind of dumb - how can you give one photo to a "class"?]. The students also gave me Christmas cards. Blado and I had a bet on who would get the most from girls. It was good fun reading what had been written with mock jealousy. By the way, I won. At 11AM the Christmas parties began. I stopped in on Hunt's class first and then found my 7th grade class in the tiered-seating chem lab and watched them dance. I ended up in Mrs Hasegawa's room where there was a good dance going including Diane out there. Lani tried to get me out but I don't dance, eh? It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, but we finally made it out at 1:30PM. Stopped at Frostie and ran into one of my students, Gordon Ako.
gordon board Akoakoa Point cards

 We went to Mr. Horiuchi's for a little snack that was beautiful. He was very appreciative of our services and seems like a real lovable guy. A few other teachers showed up and most of the talk seemed to center on fishing.

 Emosi claimed to have 20 pounds of steak and a reason to celebrate (promotion in Peace Corps) so we all went to Akoakoa Point for a barbeque. Another beautiful spot and I went collecting urchins and shells. While they had their steaks I had soup! About 8:30PM it stormed in, so we got drenched. When we got back Jas wanted to have a cross-culture lesson so I organized a protest which included Sean playing guitar. When Jas started his talk, I said: "Ek, dui, teen" and then we all began singing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and kept it up until he looked like he would kill us, so we gave in. Emosi had gone out and bought booze and when he came back he rescued us and we partied. Dancing to Sean's tapes and Ramon's pyschedelic lamp. Mike C came in late and proceded to hold the wall up for us since it was tilting. Jas got plastered (oh, really?) and claimed at one point that he was a white shark. We moved the mattresses out to the big room and I fell asleep there - woke up around 3:30AM and the party was still going for a few.

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