14th October 15, 1969 16th
We had a name badge to wear and yet I was amazed at how many of the staff already knew my name (and probably a lot more).  We were jokingly worried about wearing our Peace Corps badges to the campus today, moritorium on the war day, for fear of war mongers beating us peaceniks up.  The badges did cause a lot of staring, particularly at meals where we had our own line and generally sat together.  But nothing like the staring that happened next. Experimental Learning Exercise  we were told to bring scarves to our evening discussion - best guess was blind man's bluff.  It turned out to be really neat.  We had to choose partners; I turned around and the first person I saw was the best looking girl in the group.  She was looking at me and it was love at first sight!! Mary Ellen Nudd.  We flipped a coin and I got to be the one who was blindfolded.  I was "blind" and Mary was my helper.  The idea was to simulate what it is like to be in an alien culture.  We had to go down stairs, to another building and eat supper and return.  Luckily, I couldn't see the stares but I did hear the uproar we were causing in the dining room.  I struggled through the main course, but I couldn't manage the chiffon pie.  We drew our share of laughs during the meal.  I really enjoyed having Mary Ellen lead me around arm in arm.  I learned that a person could fall in love with a voice.  After we bumped and tripped our way back, we got together and discussed our feelings and tried to relate them to a person being thrown into a foreign environment.
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