2005 - No. 6         www.malecek.com        
enlarge hdoylA play

by John Dighton

Brilliant Birthday
Began on 2nd with our TP crowd. Goofy items from Ann and a card from Chris. Mike and Charlotte surprised me with a visit and got me into the pool. swim
On the 3rd we had lunch at Denny’s. Whites (great card that ties in with HDOYL) came by for the gift opening (see the shaking jalopy) and then some bridge. Trish and David showed up with wine and baba cake with real rum in it. I think she may have sampled too much as she added ten years onto my age on the card. Trish
      “Hilary Hall, an English School for boys is suddenly invaded - by girls! Charging in at the head of this "St Trinian's"-like horde is Miss Whitchurch, principal of St Swithin's, a girls' school which, due to a government botch-up, has been ordered to 'merge' with Hilary Hall. Miss Whitchurch is supported by her senior mistress, Miss Gossage. Determined to defend his school to the bitter end is Mr Pond, head of Hilary Hall”.

I joined Gail, Ian and the Clarks to view a Manurewa performance of the above play. Why? Because in 1971 the QVS staff performed it. I played Mr. Pond and Ian was Miss Gossage. Mike as RainbowMike Clark played the caretaker, Rainbow, in the Rosehill College production in 1975. For me, it was to see if I would remember any of my lines — heck, I barely remembered the play. I think probably because, being in it, I never actually saw it. So it was good fun and the Manurewa production was excellent, aside from a mumbling Rainbow. I’m sure Mike was much more charismatic when he did it.
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cards Why is Gail

buying this stuff?

Malley Muses Not Politically Correct
    Noticed a few large charges to credit card that we didn’t make. Turns out that someone in Papakura was using Gail’s card number to buy things on the Internet - night vision goggles, Viagra, and khat - before we put a stop to it. If Chinese are “Chinks”,
then are Taiwanese “Twinks”?
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