Gail leads a full life here at the village and surrounds.
Twice a year two local ladies clothing stores put on fashion shows at the village. We just had the “winter” lines for one shop and...Gail was a catwalk model. She wore 5 outfits that we will never be able to afford.
Being on the committee of the Friends of the Library Gail attends meetings at three or four different libraries. She recently won a door prize which consisted of a book, DVD, cookies, jigsaw puzzle and fancy hangers.
She has seen Auckland Airport a few times in the past month. Firstly, to pick up David coming from Minnesota. And then she brought Ne there (going to Australia for a week) and picked her up again. No big deal? It’s a three hour drive each way.
Latest MRI shows that her Acoustic Neuroma hasn’t grown since the operation in Sept 2010.
At the pump:
It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you A 2.0 The orignal "A" has been updated read it
ART - I have been drawing and sketching as long as I can remember. At age 11 I gave my favorite elementary teacher a portrait I had done of her. My favorite Jr high school teacher was the art teacher that I had for two years. In high school I was in the Art Club and produced many posters for school activities. I even won a $5 contest making me a professional artist. I also learned to print my name as my signature on that poster caused the teacher to announce the winner as “Paul Walacek”. Gail got me started on the painting side of things in 1973 when she bought me acrylic paints. Within a year I had switched to oil. In 1980 I created my first greeting card and have done over 300 since then. I said I would never use computer graphics, preferring to draw by hand. Once I discovered how much more I could do with photographs and PaintShop Pro I now do all cards that way. On the way to QVS school in Fiji, Ian and asked me what I liked to do. When I mentioned art, he said: “You’re the new art teacher”. And that, friends, is how I came to that short lived experience. Ne was an excellent art student through her schooling and did a diploma course at tech school. She was an art tutor for a short time. She has had a couple successful exhibitions of her colourful paintings. We are at opposite ends of the spectrum as she creates art and I am a draftsman who copies what I see.
ALBUMS - I had 584 vinyl LPs - down to 418 now. Being money conscious, quite a few are compilations (Best of, Greatest Hits…). I’d say 400 or so are in great shape and the others were picked up at garage sales. I began buying once I had a part-time job in 1964. I would buy one album a month. The first album was a mono “Meet the Beatles”. I bought my last album in June 1996. The second album I bought was a mono “Introducing the Beatles”. I paid $2.79 and it is now worth around $600.
APPLE - First computer I bought was an Apple IIc. My favorite apple is Jazz. In our orchards we had Granny Smith, Braeburn, Golden Delicious and Gravenstein apple. Bought a few 45’s and albums from the Beatles’ Apple Records. And yes, I do eat an apple a day.
Asaichi Alfred 'Allo 'Allo "Avenging Annie”
Avocado “Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie”
Akariva Addams Family American Gothic
Almond Joy Argentine Ants Auntie Alice Alf