I played on teams since I was 10. My 5th grade team once played during halftime of a high school game in front of 100s.
In 8th grade we won the championship. Unfortunately, I stopped growing at 5’8” and didn’t make the high school team. But I still played on the homeroom teams and was top scorer.
In Fiji I took the legs off of my kitchen table and used it as a backboard, so I could shoot buckets.
First day at Rosehill College in 1973 I was made the school coach and we had a game that night. Boys were terrible, but by 1976 we were in district championships. And in 1978 we made it to the Regionals. During those three years the team went undefeated in the local competition.
I played until 1979 on a social team and I was in the league's top 10 scorers despite my shortness.
I coached Gail’s team the year she played for Leeds.
At the pump:
It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you B 2.0 The orignal "B" has been updated read it
BOOBIES BELCHER - For Christmas 1973 I gave Gail a plastic piggy bank. I would put 5¢ into it each time that I belched, something that I do on a regular basis. And that is how I became a poor husband as my wife got richer over the years.
BRIDGE - We have driven over a few famous bridges, but I am talking about the card game. The Whites taught it to me in 1970 and we brought Gail onboard when she arrived in Fiji in 1972. Over the past 40 years we have had some wild times playing as it usually was accompanied with large amounts of alcohol. Gail and I played once with a professional pair and it was very tense as they were so serious and knew so much more than we did. In 1974 I started a bridge club at Rosehill and we played at lunch time. Tried to teach it to our kids with no luck. So the only time we play is with Ian and Susi and that is very rare these days. (games played)
BARBERS - For five years I went to a barbershop that was a shrine for hunters and fishermen and I was never comfortable there. The two barbers were real men and only knew how to do one type of cut. My mother was paying so I had no choice. When I became financial independent ($2 in 1965) I sought out a better barber and found one who got to know my head and how I liked my hair done. There were four barbers and he was the shy, quiet one, so we didn’t chat much. I did learn that it was his day job and in the evenings he played saxophone. I have had two lady barbers. A Japanese lady in Hawi, Hawaii. And, Gail. She has been cutting the back of head since 1972. I like it long and she hates it. So on her birthday, our anniversary and Christmas I let her shorten my locks. I used to stand in front of the old time barbershop in Waiuku and let the guy dream about me entering. Gail’s uncle and his two grandsons are barbers in Austin, TX and gave David a trim when we visited in 1990.
BOWLING - I was in a bowling league way back in the late ’50s and ’60s. Not very good but enjoyed the weekly challenge. Rolled a high series of 626 in 1965. In 1974 Gail and I bowled at St Aspath in Christchurch which was built by the American soldiers during WWII. The pins were attached to wires! Very expensive in NZ so we would only go on birthdays as a treat. Gail gave me a set of lawn bowls so one day I will join the village players. (More...) |