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July 31st 1st 2nd
1960 Went to Crystal Cave: penny wall, stalactites and stalagmites, wedding room and dance hall. Total darkness. Bought banner. Had supper in Hudson, Wisconsin.
1964 Night Owls went to the Twins 4 - Yankees 6 game (box score). Parking cost 75¢, program 15¢ and a ticket $1.50.
1980 F - After breakfast I walked to town with Bette and Frank to check out three restaurants. Picnic in a park by the river - roasted hot dogs and cooked hamburgers in a grill. Kids and I played in a wading pool with a fountain in the middle. Bought 3 cans of Strohs Beer for my collection. Went to the Gay 90's restaurant for a good meal with a very good Gallo chianti. Kids ran to the old time mechanical band and each time it played, Ne danced. Ice cream cones on way home and watched square dancers perform.
1997 F - Day 25 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal.
1999 Su - Went for a walk around cemetary with Ian. Watched Warriors almost win a game - this time Ridge tripped a player and was sent off. Whites over to play Jackie's new game "Imponderables" similar to Balderdash.
2014 F - Gail and I went to Colleen's to have a mocha while looking at her Raratonga photos. Pineapple cost $25 and she had a margarita that accidently had remnants of a bananas in it.
2022 M - Letter to Jane. 55 minute walk to post it (air mail up to $3.80). Found 10¢ ($13.30). Listened to the Twins lose to Padres while finishing Peter Dinklage portrait.
July 31st Back to Top 2nd