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1967 |
North Star lake: Went to Marcel to wash clothes and get supplies. At night we played poker and I won $4.50. see photos. |
1972 |
Lunch at Whites. Gail put up the drapes. I built a barbecue complete with rain shield while Gail made potato salad. Whites, Mitchells, Murphys, Bob and Ua over for my hamburgers and hot dogs topped off with marshmallows.
Jim, Bob, Ian and I played Aggravation. Whites to play a couple more games with Susi and Gail. |
1975 |
Into Marcel to get ice, fishing license and souvenirs. Steve patched his canoe and we went fishing. Paddled out to a grass island and I caught a perch. Moved to another spot where we got 20 sunfish.
After supper Gail and I went out for a cruise in the canoe. Saw two loons and offspring and a beaver and its lodge. |
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1982 |
M - Record High = 100°F. Schwitters away for a week and Rollie left his garage door opener with me because a small wren is in their garage (it didn't figure out how to get out by nightfall when I closed the door). Put Dad's airconditioner into the kitchen window. Put Gail's bike together. |
1983 |
T - Tim Mehus back from Denver. I was his sponsor so I got a free lunch. Typed up page 2 of So Dakota trip. |
1984 |
Th - Schwitters give us a bottle of wine for watering their lawn while they were up north. |
1988 |
OZ trip: Adelaide to Canberra. Go to Trip Report |
1990 |
Whites over - Ian in a cowboy hat. We played Bingo - first time for them and they all had fun. MacIntoshes to the winner and they got to call the next round of numbers.
After supper we looked at the "Maleceks in OZ" video. Cake and ice cream. They gave me and Gail a Goofy collectors spoon as anniversary gift. They gave David a slot car set which we set up in livingroom adding it onto his set. Gail showed them her American Indian collection, so I put on the headdress and showed everyone my friend, tommy hawk. |
1994 |
T - Gail and I visited Bert, home from his stroke. Mike H was there with his daughters and Warwick, who "blew up" a building for High Tide.
After supper we went to Whites for some high bidding and slides of David. |
1995 |
Sue McKinnon over for a coffee and visit. |
1997 |
Sa - Went to Aldies at 6PM. I was dying but had a good time. They had an Australia and Scotland theme for food and decorations (in honor of our trip) topped off with a very good Hardys '96 Cabernet/Shiraz. Doug gave David a technicians tool kit. I gave James a headphone radio, CD and music magazine. They gave us a CD of 1972 songs for our anniversary.
See more photos. |
2004 |
Paid electric ($560). Ian and Susi over for bridge. |
2006 |
Housesitting Needham's. Up at 10AM to find Auckland fogged in. Soak in hot tub with Gail. |
2015 |
Su - Brought out Expansion II for Kingdom Builder. After a roast beef supper we played David's choices: Stone Age, World Without End and Catan. |
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