30th |
31st |
Apr 1st |
1972 |
Epeli came by at 2:45AM asking us to fix his car. Bob went off. At 4:30AM Ghetto tore into the puppy, puncturing its eye. So guess who didn't get much sleep. |
1977 |
Sara and Rosalie interviewed me as an immigrant to NZ. Lost to Workshop 23 - 21. I scored 10 (all in second half and all long shots). |
1984 |
Sa - High = 49°F. Got bikes down and baseball gloves out. Put beige carpet onto stairs. Lesser's for Kathy's birthday party. Ray from Gen Services, Doug Siems, Pham, African couple with son Quasi, Frank the cripple, Jim and Cindy (CDC with Tom). Quiet group though Kathy tried to liven things up by wearing beely boppers. Had an okay German Deinhard Mosel. |
1989 |
MEETINGS! Team briefing for an hour. IC meeting to go over commissioning. Meeting with Peter T to discuss Leszek's future and the Quality project. After lunch a meeting with Patricia and Leszek to explain how we process software. Another meeting with
Peter to try to organize to get Margaret Shattock without posting the position, how to expand into TSLIMS and did I want Wal Cutten. Stayed late to put together a solution for Training department. Bushwackers are the rage. |
1996 |
Su - Left Opoutere and spent an hour at Miranda Hot Pools. $15 blew out of the van window in strong gale wind never to be seen again. Watched Hong Kong 7's. NZ beat Fiji for third year in a row (video). C Cullen all over the place (video). |
1997 |
M - Dale joined us, Yukiko, Chihiro, Fabiola and Celia (Argentina) to Karioitahi. Japanese girls thought the water was too cold and they just stood where it lapped against them causing laughing and screaming. They went in eventually, especially after seeing how much fun the South Americans were having and after a food break they went back in. |
2005 |
Harvey Norman sent me a pen as thanks for buying from them (DVD Recorder). Card from Mom. Swam with Elaine. Chat with Ceci who is now a doctor in
Argentina and wants to live in NZ. Mike over for a game of Rock Fever. Had a Dashwood '01 CabSav that was beginning to show its age, as was
David Tua who couldn't do much against Griffis in 10 rounds (10th). |
2011 |
Th - S J Metals came and I spent 90 minutes with the fellow weighing and loading the truck. End result = $244.50. Ian over for Alhambra and Dominion. We agreed that the 8-yr old Wild Turkey is better than regular WT. |
2012 |
Sa - Went to Smithers' motel unit and walked the Mount.
Met the Smithers at Bombay Brassier where I had a "hot" beef rogan josh.
Back to our place for baba cake and Alhambra which I won by 1 over Gail. |
2013 |
Su - Went to the beach to get photos of "Katy" on a boogie board. Mid-afternoon meal at Oceanside run by Asians, with young foreign people waiting. Saw a girl on a scooter
with a pug wearing goggles in a basket. Paul and Irene left around 4PM. |
2023 |
F - Terraforming - I had 106. Gave Kizzie the pig that Trish sent him. Feijoas beginning to fall. AFL: Tigers had a 34 point lead, Crows clawed it back to lead by 1, but lost by 108 - 76. |
2024 |
Su - Left 12:45AM and had a good run getting to Russell's in 2 hours as normal. He showed me his "zipper" on the chest and belly. I then drove us to the game...first time I have done the complete distance as he isn't allowed to drive after his heart operation. We saw the NSW team beat the Knights 26 - 12. Then the big boys pretty much did the same winning 20 - 12 (highlights) in front of 24,211 fans (kids in for free). Peter was a no-show and Russell had bought him a chix/chips, which we left on the seat. Smooth ride and home before midnight. There was an interesting large orange half moon. |
30th |
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Apr 1st |